Week 7 : Halves Presentation

This was the week of our halves presentation. It went well and we got some valuable progress on our progress and how we can proceed in the future.

We got asked about how we are focusing on the father child relationship which could prove to be the center piece of our experience. This is something we need to work on and invest more in developing.

In the coming weeks, we want to focus on our interactions and improve them, hopefully with some playtesting. We also want to begin work towards the third interaction which is going to be based on the idea of smart glasses that the child creates for the father. Right now this idea is not too fleshed out. However, the reason we chose this idea is because our client Wole Idowu had an idea for a smart glasses that he pitched when he was 15 years old. Taking inspiration from that and his actual design, we want to develop an interactive experience that revolves around the smart glasses and hopefully involve other kids to get into STEAM.

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