Week 11 : New Minigame Design

Judging from the tittle of this blog post, this week involved creating a new design for the glasses minigame. Our earlier design was a 3D jigsaw puzzle with the glasses where the player must drag and rotate 3D components to complete the glasses. This was proving to be difficult to implement because of the 3… Continue reading Week 11 : New Minigame Design

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Week 10 : New Interaction

In the past two weeks, we were trying to work on the numbers game and the rhythm game. We have been iterating and improving both of them and work is still ongoing. This week, we have started work on the third minigame, which we are expecting is going to be something that involves smart glasses.… Continue reading Week 10 : New Interaction

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Week 9 : Build Improvements

Last week, our main focus was to work towards our first build. Carrying on from there, our focus this week was to work towards improving stuff from our first build. There were many things that were not working correctly which we needed to rectify and additionally there are many new things that we need to… Continue reading Week 9 : Build Improvements

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Week 8 : Our First Build

Its a little late for our first build of the semester but we finally got it done! Experimenting with different ideas before selecting one took its time during our initial weeks. However, we are glad that we looked at multiple different ideas before finalizing one because the current idea matches well with what we want… Continue reading Week 8 : Our First Build

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Week 7 : Halves Presentation

This was the week of our halves presentation. It went well and we got some valuable progress on our progress and how we can proceed in the future. We got asked about how we are focusing on the father child relationship which could prove to be the center piece of our experience. This is something… Continue reading Week 7 : Halves Presentation

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Week 6 : Preparing for Halves

This week was spent frantically prepare for our halves presentation. Based on our new idea, there were a lot of things to implement, which are described below. Here are some of the different aspects of the experience that we worked on (when we were not preparing for the presentation) Living Room Scene : This is… Continue reading Week 6 : Preparing for Halves

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Week 5 : Our New Idea

Moving forward from quarters and taking into consideration all the feedback that we received, the team came up with a new idea completely unrelated to bullying. What we want to do now is to make a story driven experience that is filled with multiple different interactions in the form of mini games. Main storyline: The… Continue reading Week 5 : Our New Idea

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