Class Ammo

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Engine\Classes\Ammo.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:TournamentAmmo, FlakBox, RazorAmmo, RifleAmmo, Sludge, ASMDAmmo, NullAmmo, RocketCan, Shellbox, Shells, StingerAmmo

class Ammo
extends Engine.Pickup

//============================================================================= // Ammo. //=============================================================================
 int AmmoAmount
 int MaxAmmo
 Ammo PAmmo
           Class of ammo to be represented in inventory
 class ParentAmmo
           Class of ammo to be represented in inventory
 byte UsedInWeaponSlot[10]
           Class of ammo to be represented in inventory

Function Summary
 bool AddAmmo(int AmmoToAdd)
// If we can, add ammo and return true.  
// We we are at max ammo, return false
 bool HandlePickupQuery(Inventory Item)
 Inventory SpawnCopy(Pawn Other)
 bool UseAmmo(int AmountNeeded)
// This function is called by an actor that wants to use ammo.  
// Return true if ammo exists 

Source Code

00001	//=============================================================================
00002	// Ammo.
00003	//=============================================================================
00004	class Ammo extends Pickup
00005		abstract
00006		native
00007		nativereplication;
00009	#exec Texture Import File=Textures\Ammo.pcx Name=S_Ammo Mips=Off Flags=2
00011	var() travel int AmmoAmount;
00012	var() travel int MaxAmmo;
00013	var() class<ammo> ParentAmmo;    // Class of ammo to be represented in inventory
00014	var() byte UsedInWeaponSlot[10];
00015	var   ammo  PAmmo;
00019	// Network replication
00020	//
00021	replication
00022	{
00023		// Things the server should send to the client.
00024		reliable if( bNetOwner && (Role==ROLE_Authority) )
00025			AmmoAmount;
00026	}
00028	event float BotDesireability(Pawn Bot)
00029	{
00030		local Ammo AlreadyHas;
00032		if ( ParentAmmo != None )
00033			AlreadyHas = Ammo(Bot.FindInventoryType(ParentAmmo));
00034		else
00035			AlreadyHas = Ammo(Bot.FindInventoryType(Class));
00036		if ( AlreadyHas == None )
00037			return (0.35 * MaxDesireability);
00038		if ( AlreadyHas.AmmoAmount == 0 )
00039			return MaxDesireability;
00040		if (AlreadyHas.AmmoAmount >= AlreadyHas.MaxAmmo) 
00041			return -1;
00043		return ( MaxDesireability * FMin(1, 0.15 * MaxAmmo/AlreadyHas.AmmoAmount) );
00044	}
00046	function bool HandlePickupQuery( inventory Item )
00047	{
00048		if ( (class == item.class) || 
00049			(ClassIsChildOf(item.class, class'Ammo') && (class == Ammo(item).parentammo)) ) 
00050		{
00051			if (AmmoAmount==MaxAmmo) return true;
00052			if (Level.Game.LocalLog != None)
00053				Level.Game.LocalLog.LogPickup(Item, Pawn(Owner));
00054			if (Level.Game.WorldLog != None)
00055				Level.Game.WorldLog.LogPickup(Item, Pawn(Owner));
00056			if (Item.PickupMessageClass == None)
00057				Pawn(Owner).ClientMessage( Item.PickupMessage, 'Pickup' );
00058			else
00059				Pawn(Owner).ReceiveLocalizedMessage( Item.PickupMessageClass, 0, None, None, item.Class );
00060			item.PlaySound( item.PickupSound );
00061			AddAmmo(Ammo(item).AmmoAmount);
00062			item.SetRespawn();
00063			return true;				
00064		}
00065		if ( Inventory == None )
00066			return false;
00068		return Inventory.HandlePickupQuery(Item);
00069	}
00071	// This function is called by an actor that wants to use ammo.  
00072	// Return true if ammo exists 
00073	//
00074	function bool UseAmmo(int AmountNeeded)
00075	{
00076		if (AmmoAmount < AmountNeeded) return False;   // Can't do it
00077		AmmoAmount -= AmountNeeded;
00078		return True;
00079	}
00081	// If we can, add ammo and return true.  
00082	// We we are at max ammo, return false
00083	//
00084	function bool AddAmmo(int AmmoToAdd)
00085	{
00086		If (AmmoAmount >= MaxAmmo) return false;
00087		AmmoAmount += AmmoToAdd;
00088		if (AmmoAmount > MaxAmmo) AmmoAmount = MaxAmmo;
00089		return true;
00090	}
00092	function inventory SpawnCopy( Pawn Other )
00093	{
00094		local Inventory Copy;
00096		if ( parentammo != None )
00097		{
00098			Copy = spawn(parentammo,Other,,,rot(0,0,0));
00099			Copy.Tag           = Tag;
00100			Copy.Event         = Event;
00101			Copy.Instigator    = Other;
00102			Ammo(Copy).AmmoAmount = AmmoAmount;
00103			Copy.BecomeItem();
00104			Other.AddInventory( Copy );
00105			Copy.GotoState('');
00106			if ( Level.Game.ShouldRespawn(self) )
00107				GotoState('Sleeping');
00108			else
00109				Destroy();
00110			return Copy;
00111		}
00112		Copy = Super.SpawnCopy(Other);
00113		Ammo(Copy).AmmoAmount = AmmoAmount; 
00114		return Copy;
00115	}
00117	defaultproperties
00118	{
00119	     PickupMessage="You picked up some ammo."
00120	     RespawnTime=30.000000
00121	     MaxDesireability=0.200000
00122	     Texture=Texture'Engine.S_Ammo'
00123	     bCollideActors=False
00124	}

End Source Code