Function Summary |
void |
AutonomousPhysics(float DeltaSeconds) |
void |
// Called by PlayerPawn when this actor becomes its ViewTarget.
string |
ConsoleCommand(string Command)
// Execute a console command in the context of the current level and game engine.
bool |
// Destroy this actor. Returns true if destroyed, false if indestructable.
// Destruction is latent. It occurs at the end of the tick.
void |
Error(string S)
// Handle an error and kill this one actor.
bool |
FastTrace(vector TraceEnd, optional vector)
// returns true if did not hit world geometry
void |
FinishAnim() |
void |
// Physics control.
name |
GetAnimGroup(name Sequence) |
bool |
GetCacheEntry(int Num, out string, out string) |
String |
// Returns the human readable string representation of an object.
String |
GetItemName(string FullName)
// Returns the string representation of the name of an object without the package
// prefixes.
string |
GetMapName(string NameEnding, string MapName, int Dir)
// Find files.
string |
GetNextInt(string ClassName, int Num) |
void |
GetNextIntDesc(string ClassName, int Num, out string, out string) |
void |
GetNextSkin(string Prefix, string CurrentSkin, int Dir, out string, out string) |
float |
GetSoundDuration(sound Sound)
// Get a sound duration.
string |
GetURLMap() |
bool |
HasAnim(name Sequence) |
void |
HurtRadius(float DamageAmount, float DamageRadius, name DamageName, float Momentum, vector HitLocation)
// Hurt actors within the radius.
bool |
IsAnimating() |
void |
LinkSkelAnim(Animation Anim)
// Skeletal animation linkup.
void |
LoopAnim(name Sequence, optional float, optional float, optional float) |
void |
MakeNoise(float Loudness)
// Inform other creatures that you've made a noise
// they might hear (they are sent a HearNoise message)
// Senders of MakeNoise should have an instigator if they are not pawns.
bool |
Move(vector Delta)
// Movement.
bool |
MoveCacheEntry(string GUID, optional string) |
bool |
MoveSmooth(vector Delta) |
void |
PlayAnim(name Sequence, optional float, optional float)
// Animation functions.
void |
PlayOwnedSound(sound Sound, optional ESoundSlot, optional float, optional bool, optional float, optional float)
// play a sound effect, but don't propagate to a remote owner
// (he is playing the sound clientside
void |
PlaySound(sound Sound, optional ESoundSlot, optional float, optional bool, optional float, optional float)
// Play a sound effect.
bool |
// PlayerCanSeeMe returns true if some player has a line of sight to
// actor's location.
void |
SetBase(Actor NewBase)
// Relations.
void |
SetCollision(optional bool, optional bool, optional bool)
// Collision.
bool |
SetCollisionSize(float NewRadius, float NewHeight) |
void |
SetDefaultDisplayProperties() |
void |
SetDisplayProperties(ERenderStyle NewStyle, Texture NewTexture, bool bLighting, bool bEnviroMap)
// Set the display properties of an actor. By setting them through this function, it allows
// the actor to modify other components (such as a Pawn's weapon) or to adjust the result
// based on other factors (such as a Pawn's other inventory wanting to affect the result)
bool |
SetLocation(vector NewLocation) |
void |
SetOwner(Actor NewOwner) |
void |
SetPhysics(EPhysics newPhysics) |
bool |
SetRotation(rotator NewRotation) |
void |
SetTimer(float NewTimerRate, bool bLoop)
// Causes Timer() events every NewTimerRate seconds.
void |
Sleep(float Seconds)
// Latent functions.
Actor |
Trace(out vector, out vector, vector TraceEnd, optional vector, optional bool, optional vector)
// Trace a line and see what it collides with first.
// Takes this actor's collision properties into account.
// Returns first hit actor, Level if hit level, or None if hit nothing.
void |
TweenAnim(name Sequence, float Time) |