Class UnrealGameOptionsMenu

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\UnrealShare\Classes\UnrealGameOptionsMenu.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:UnrealCoopGameOptions, UnrealDMGameOptionsMenu

class UnrealGameOptionsMenu
extends UnrealShare.UnrealLongMenu

//============================================================================= // UnrealGameOptionsMenu //=============================================================================
 string AdvancedHelp
 string AdvancedString
 class GameClass
 bool bCanModifyGore

Function Summary
 void Destroyed()
 void DrawMenu(Canvas Canvas)
 void DrawOptions(Canvas Canvas, int StartX, int StartY, int Spacing)
 void DrawValues(Canvas Canvas, int StartX, int StartY, int Spacing)
 void MenuProcessInput(byte KeyNum, byte ActionNum)
 void PostBeginPlay()
 bool ProcessLeft()
 bool ProcessRight()
 bool ProcessSelection()
 void SaveConfigs()

Source Code

00001	//=============================================================================
00002	// UnrealGameOptionsMenu
00003	//=============================================================================
00004	class UnrealGameOptionsMenu extends UnrealLongMenu;
00006	var() localized string AdvancedString;
00007	var() localized string AdvancedHelp;
00008	var() config bool bCanModifyGore;
00009	var() class<GameInfo> GameClass;
00010	var	  GameInfo	GameType;
00012	function Destroyed()
00013	{
00014		Super.Destroyed();
00015		if ( GameType != Level.Game )
00016			GameType.Destroy();
00017	}
00019	function PostBeginPlay()
00020	{
00021		Super.PostBeginPlay();
00022		if ( Level.Game.Class == GameClass )
00023			GameType = Level.Game;
00024		else
00025		{
00026			GameType = Spawn(GameClass);
00027			if ( Level.Game != None )
00028				GameType.SetGameSpeed(Level.Game.GameSpeed);
00029		}
00030	}
00032	function MenuProcessInput( byte KeyNum, byte ActionNum )
00033	{
00034		Super.MenuProcessInput(KeyNum, ActionNum);
00035		if ( !bCanModifyGore )
00036		{
00037			if ( KeyNum == EInputKey.IK_Up )
00038			{
00039				if ( Selection == 2 )
00040					Selection = 1;
00041			}
00042			else if ( KeyNum == EInputKey.IK_Down )
00043			{
00044				if ( Selection == 2 )
00045					Selection = 3;
00046			}
00047		}
00048	}
00049	function bool ProcessLeft()
00050	{
00051		if ( Selection == 1 )
00052		{
00053			if ( Level.Game != None )
00054			{
00055				Level.Game.SetGameSpeed(FMax(0.5, GameType.GameSpeed - 0.1));
00056				GameType.GameSpeed = Level.Game.GameSpeed;
00057			}
00058			else
00059				GameType.GameSpeed = FMax(0.5, GameType.GameSpeed - 0.1);
00060		}
00061		else if ( (Selection == 2) && bCanModifyGore )
00062			GameType.bLowGore = !GameType.bLowGore;
00063		else 
00064			return false;
00066		return true;
00067	}
00069	function bool ProcessRight()
00070	{
00071		if ( Selection == 1 )
00072		{
00073			if ( Level.Game != None )
00074			{
00075				Level.Game.SetGameSpeed(FMin(2.0, GameType.GameSpeed + 0.1));
00076				GameType.GameSpeed = Level.Game.GameSpeed;
00077			}
00078			else
00079				GameType.GameSpeed = FMin(2.0, GameType.GameSpeed + 0.1);
00080		}
00081		else if ( (Selection == 2) && bCanModifyGore )
00082			GameType.bLowGore = !GameType.bLowGore;
00083		else 
00084			return false;
00086		return true;
00087	}
00089	function bool ProcessSelection()
00090	{
00091		local Menu ChildMenu;
00093		if ( (Selection == 2) && bCanModifyGore )
00094			Level.Game.bLowGore = !Level.Game.bLowGore;
00095		else
00096			return false;
00098		if ( ChildMenu != None )
00099		{
00100			HUD(Owner).MainMenu = ChildMenu;
00101			ChildMenu.ParentMenu = self;
00102			ChildMenu.PlayerOwner = PlayerOwner;
00103		}
00104		return true;
00105	}
00107	function SaveConfigs()
00108	{
00109		if ( GameType != None )
00110		{
00111			Level.Game.bLowGore = GameType.bLowGore;
00112			GameType.SaveConfig();
00113		}
00114		PlayerOwner.SaveConfig();
00115		if ( Level.Game != None )
00116			PlayerOwner.UpdateURL("GameSpeed",string(Level.Game.GameSpeed), false);
00117	}
00119	function DrawOptions(canvas Canvas, int StartX, int StartY, int Spacing)
00120	{
00121		MenuList[1] = Default.MenuList[1];
00122		if ( bCanModifyGore )
00123			MenuList[2] = Default.MenuList[2];
00124		else
00125			MenuList[2] = "";
00126		DrawList(Canvas, false, Spacing, StartX, StartY);  
00127	}
00129	function DrawValues(canvas Canvas, int StartX, int StartY, int Spacing)
00130	{
00131		local int s;
00133		s = 10 * (GameType.GameSpeed + 0.02);
00134		MenuList[1] = (""$(10 * s)$"%");
00135		if ( bCanModifyGore )
00136			MenuList[2] = string(GameType.bLowGore);
00137		else
00138			MenuList[2] = "";
00139		DrawList(Canvas, false, Spacing, StartX + 160, StartY);  
00140	}
00142	function DrawMenu(canvas Canvas)
00143	{
00144		local int StartX, StartY, Spacing;
00146		DrawBackGround(Canvas, false);
00148		StartX = Max(40, 0.5 * Canvas.ClipX - 115);
00150		if ( (MenuLength < 6) || (Canvas.ClipY > 240) )
00151		{
00152			DrawTitle(Canvas);
00153			Spacing = Clamp(0.04 * Canvas.ClipY, 12, 32);
00154			StartY = Max(40, 0.5 * (Canvas.ClipY - MenuLength * Spacing - 128));
00155		}
00156		else
00157		{
00158			Spacing = Clamp(0.04 * Canvas.ClipY, 11, 32);
00159			StartY = Max(4, 0.5 * (Canvas.ClipY - MenuLength * Spacing - 128));
00160		}
00161		DrawOptions(Canvas, StartX, StartY, Spacing);
00162		DrawValues(Canvas, StartX, StartY, Spacing);		
00163		DrawHelpPanel(Canvas, StartY + MenuLength * Spacing + 4, 228);
00164	}
00166	defaultproperties
00167	{
00168	     AdvancedString="Advanced Options"
00169	     AdvancedHelp="Edit advanced game configuration options."
00170	     bCanModifyGore=True
00171	     GameClass=Class'UnrealShare.SinglePlayer'
00172	     MenuLength=2
00173	     HelpMessage(1)="Adjust the speed at which time passes in the game."
00174	     HelpMessage(2)="If true, reduces the gore in the game."
00175	     MenuList(1)="Game Speed"
00176	     MenuList(2)="Reduced Gore"
00177	     MenuTitle="GAME OPTIONS"
00178	}

End Source Code