Class UnrealDMGameOptionsMenu

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\UnrealShare\Classes\UnrealDMGameOptionsMenu.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:UnrealTeamGameOptionsMenu

class UnrealDMGameOptionsMenu
extends UnrealShare.UnrealGameOptionsMenu

//============================================================================= // UnrealDMGameOptionsMenu //=============================================================================
 string GameStyle[3]

Function Summary
 void DrawOptions(Canvas Canvas, int StartX, int StartY, int Spacing)
 void DrawValues(Canvas Canvas, int StartX, int StartY, int Spacing)
 bool ProcessLeft()
 bool ProcessNo()
 bool ProcessRight()
 bool ProcessSelection()
 bool ProcessYes()

Source Code

00001	//=============================================================================
00002	// UnrealDMGameOptionsMenu
00003	//=============================================================================
00004	class UnrealDMGameOptionsMenu extends UnrealGameOptionsMenu;
00006	var() localized string GameStyle[3];
00008	function bool ProcessYes()
00009	{
00010		if ( Selection == 6 )
00011			DeathMatchGame(GameType).bCoopWeaponMode = True;		
00012		else if ( Selection == 9 )
00013			GameType.bClassicDeathmessages = True;
00014		else 
00015			return Super.ProcessYes();
00017		return true;
00018	}
00020	function bool ProcessNo()
00021	{
00022		if ( Selection == 6 )
00023			DeathMatchGame(GameType).bCoopWeaponMode = False;		
00024		else if ( Selection == 9 )
00025			GameType.bClassicDeathmessages = False;
00026		else 
00027			return Super.ProcessNo();
00029		return true;
00030	}
00032	function bool ProcessLeft()
00033	{
00034		if ( Selection == 3 )
00035			DeathMatchGame(GameType).FragLimit = FMax(0, DeathMatchGame(GameType).FragLimit - 5);
00036		else if ( Selection == 4 )
00037			DeathMatchGame(GameType).TimeLimit = FMax(0, DeathMatchGame(GameType).TimeLimit - 5);
00038		else if ( Selection == 5 )
00039			GameType.MaxPlayers = Max(1, GameType.MaxPlayers - 1);
00040		else if ( Selection == 6 )
00041			DeathMatchGame(GameType).bCoopWeaponMode = !DeathMatchGame(GameType).bCoopWeaponMode;		
00042		else if ( Selection == 8 )
00043		{
00044			if ( DeathMatchGame(GameType).bMegaSpeed )
00045				DeathMatchGame(GameType).bMegaSpeed = false;
00046			else if ( DeathMatchGame(GameType).bHardCoreMode )
00047				DeathMatchGame(GameType).bHardCoreMode = false;
00048			else
00049			{
00050				DeathMatchGame(GameType).bMegaSpeed = true;
00051				DeathMatchGame(GameType).bHardCoreMode = true;
00052			}
00053		}
00054		else if ( Selection == 9 )
00055			GameType.bClassicDeathmessages = !GameType.bClassicDeathmessages;
00056		else 
00057			return Super.ProcessLeft();
00059		return true;
00060	}
00062	function bool ProcessRight()
00063	{
00064		if ( Selection == 3 )
00065			DeathMatchGame(GameType).FragLimit += 5;
00066		else if ( Selection == 4 )
00067			DeathMatchGame(GameType).TimeLimit += 5;
00068		else if ( Selection == 5 )
00069			GameType.MaxPlayers = Min(16, GameType.MaxPlayers + 1);
00070		else if ( Selection == 6 )
00071			DeathMatchGame(GameType).bCoopWeaponMode = !DeathMatchGame(GameType).bCoopWeaponMode;		
00072		else if ( Selection == 8 )
00073		{
00074			if ( DeathMatchGame(GameType).bMegaSpeed )
00075			{
00076				DeathMatchGame(GameType).bMegaSpeed = false;
00077				DeathMatchGame(GameType).bHardCoreMode = false;
00078			}
00079			else if ( DeathMatchGame(GameType).bHardCoreMode )
00080				DeathMatchGame(GameType).bMegaSpeed = true;
00081			else
00082				DeathMatchGame(GameType).bHardCoreMode = true;
00083		}
00084		else if ( Selection == 9 )
00085			GameType.bClassicDeathmessages = !GameType.bClassicDeathmessages;
00086		else 
00087			return Super.ProcessRight();
00089		return true;
00090	}
00092	function bool ProcessSelection()
00093	{
00094		local Menu ChildMenu;
00096		if ( Selection == 6 )
00097			DeathMatchGame(GameType).bCoopWeaponMode = !DeathMatchGame(GameType).bCoopWeaponMode;		
00098		else if ( Selection == 7 )
00099		{
00100			ChildMenu = spawn(class'UnrealBotConfigMenu', owner);
00101			ChildMenu.ParentMenu = self;
00102			UnrealBotConfigMenu(ChildMenu).InitConfig(GameType);
00103		}
00104		else if ( Selection == 8 )
00105			DeathMatchGame(GameType).bHardCoreMode = !DeathMatchGame(GameType).bHardCoreMode;
00106		else if ( Selection == 9 )
00107			GameType.bClassicDeathmessages = !GameType.bClassicDeathmessages;
00108		else
00109			return Super.ProcessSelection();
00111		if ( ChildMenu != None )
00112		{
00113			HUD(Owner).MainMenu = ChildMenu;
00114			ChildMenu.ParentMenu = self;
00115			ChildMenu.PlayerOwner = PlayerOwner;
00116		}
00117		return true;
00118	}
00120	function DrawOptions(canvas Canvas, int StartX, int StartY, int Spacing)
00121	{
00122		local int i;
00124		for ( i=3; i<MenuLength+1; i++ )
00125			MenuList[i] = Default.MenuList[i];
00127		Super.DrawOptions(Canvas, StartX, StartY, Spacing);
00128	}
00130	function DrawValues(canvas Canvas, int StartX, int StartY, int Spacing)
00131	{
00132		local DeathMatchGame DMGame;
00133		local int s;
00135		DMGame = DeathMatchGame(GameType);
00137		// draw text
00138		MenuList[3] = string(DMGame.FragLimit);
00139		MenuList[4] = string(DMGame.TimeLimit);
00140		MenuList[5] = string(DMGame.MaxPlayers);
00141		MenuList[6] = string(DMGame.bCoopWeaponMode);
00142		MenuList[7] = "";
00143		if ( DMGame.bMegaSpeed )
00144			MenuList[8] = GameStyle[2];
00145		else if ( DMGame.bHardcoreMode )
00146			MenuList[8] = GameStyle[1];
00147		else
00148			MenuList[8] = GameStyle[0];
00149		if (DMGame.bClassicDeathmessages)
00150			MenuList[9] = "Classic";
00151		else
00152			MenuList[9] = "Weapon Based";
00154		Super.DrawValues(Canvas, StartX, StartY, Spacing);
00155	}
00157	defaultproperties
00158	{
00159	     GameStyle(0)="Classic"
00160	     GameStyle(1)="Hardcore"
00161	     GameStyle(2)="Turbo"
00162	     GameClass=Class'UnrealShare.DeathMatchGame'
00163	     MenuLength=9
00164	     HelpMessage(3)="Number of frags scored by leading player to end game.  If 0, there is no limit."
00165	     HelpMessage(4)="Time limit (in minutes) to end game.  If 0, there is no limit."
00166	     HelpMessage(5)="Maximum number of players allowed in the game."
00167	     HelpMessage(6)="If Weapons Stay is enabled, weapons respawn instantly, but can only be picked up once by a given player."
00168	     HelpMessage(7)="Configure bot game and individual parameters."
00169	     HelpMessage(8)="Choose Game Style:  Hardcore game speed is faster and weapons do more damage than Classic. Turbo is Hardcore with really fast movement."
00170	     HelpMessage(9)="Classic or new style (weapon based) deathmessages."
00171	     MenuList(3)="Frag limit"
00172	     MenuList(4)="Time Limit"
00173	     MenuList(5)="Max Players"
00174	     MenuList(6)="Weapons Stay"
00175	     MenuList(7)="Configure Bots"
00176	     MenuList(8)="Game Style"
00177	     MenuList(9)="DeathMessages"
00178	}

End Source Code