Class WaterTexture

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Fire\Classes\WaterTexture.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:WaveTexture, WetTexture

class WaterTexture
extends Fire.FractalTexture

//======================================================================================= // WaterTexture: Base class for fractal water textures. Parent of Wave- and WetTexture. // This is a built-in Unreal class and it shouldn't be modified. //=======================================================================================
 byte ByteA
 byte ByteB
 byte ByteC
           Age, Emitter freq. etc.
 byte ByteD
           Exp.Time etc.
 byte Depth
           Drop heat.
 WDrop Type
           Drop type.
 byte X
           Spark X location (0 - Xdimension-1).
 byte Y
           Spark Y location (0 - Ydimension-1).

Source Code

00001	//=======================================================================================
00002	//  WaterTexture: Base class for fractal water textures. Parent of Wave- and WetTexture.
00003	//  This is a built-in Unreal class and it shouldn't be modified.
00004	//=======================================================================================
00006	class WaterTexture extends FractalTexture
00007		native
00008		noexport
00009		abstract;
00011	//
00012	// Water drops.
00013	//
00015	enum WDrop
00016	{
00017		DROP_FixedDepth			, // Fixed depth spot, A=depth
00018		DROP_PhaseSpot			, // Phased depth spot, A=frequency B=phase
00019		DROP_ShallowSpot		, // Shallower phased depth spot, A=frequency B=phase
00020		DROP_HalfAmpl           , // Half-amplitude (only 128+ values)
00021		DROP_RandomMover		, // Randomly moves around
00022		DROP_FixedRandomSpot	, // Fixed spot with random output
00023		DROP_WhirlyThing		, // Moves in small circles, A=speed B=depth
00024		DROP_BigWhirly			, // Moves in large circles, A=speed B=depth
00025		DROP_HorizontalLine		, // Horizontal line segment
00026		DROP_VerticalLine		, // Vertical line segment
00027		DROP_DiagonalLine1		, // Diagonal '/'
00028		DROP_DiagonalLine2		, // Diagonal '\'
00029		DROP_HorizontalOsc		, // Horizontal oscillating line segment
00030		DROP_VerticalOsc		, // Vertical oscillating line segment
00031		DROP_DiagonalOsc1		, // Diagonal oscillating '/'
00032		DROP_DiagonalOsc2		, // Diagonal oscillating '\'
00033		DROP_RainDrops			, // General random raindrops, A=depth B=distribution radius
00034		DROP_AreaClamp          , // Clamp spots to indicate shallow/dry areas
00035		DROP_LeakyTap			,
00036		DROP_DrippyTap			,
00037	};
00040	//
00041	// Information about a single drop.
00042	//
00044	struct ADrop
00045	{
00046	    var WDrop Type;   // Drop type.
00047	    var byte  Depth;  // Drop heat.
00048	    var byte  X;      // Spark X location (0 - Xdimension-1).
00049	    var byte  Y;      // Spark Y location (0 - Ydimension-1).
00051	    var byte  ByteA;  // X-speed.
00052	    var byte  ByteB;  // Y-speed.
00053	    var byte  ByteC;  // Age, Emitter freq. etc.
00054	    var byte  ByteD;  // Exp.Time etc.
00055	};
00058	//
00059	// Water parameters.
00060	//
00062	var(WaterPaint)					WDrop  DropType;
00063	var(WaterPaint)					byte   WaveAmp;
00065	var(WaterPaint)					byte   FX_Frequency;
00066	var(WaterPaint)					byte   FX_Phase;
00067	var(WaterPaint)					byte   FX_Amplitude;
00068	var(WaterPaint)					byte   FX_Speed;
00069	var(WaterPaint)					byte   FX_Radius;
00070	var(WaterPaint)					byte   FX_Size;
00071	var(WaterPaint)					byte   FX_Depth;
00072	var(WaterPaint)                 byte   FX_Time;
00074	var								int    NumDrops;
00075	var								ADrop  Drops[256];
00077	var		 			transient   int    SourceFields;
00078	var					transient   byte   RenderTable[1028];
00079	var					transient	byte   WaterTable[1536];
00080	var					transient	byte   WaterParity;
00081	var					transient	int    OldWaveAmp;
00083	defaultproperties
00084	{
00085	}

End Source Code