Class Ladder

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Botpack\Classes\Ladder.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:LadderAS, LadderChal, LadderCTF, LadderCTFDemo, LadderDM, LadderDMDemo, LadderDOM, LadderDOMDemo

class Ladder
extends Engine.Info

//============================================================================= // Ladder // A ladder game ladder. //=============================================================================
 int DemoDisplay[32]
           This match is for demo display only.
 int FragLimits[32]
           Match fraglimit.
 int GoalTeamScore[32]
           Match goalteamscore.
 bool HasBeatenGame
           Number of LadderTeams
 class LadderTeams[32]
           Teams that can be fought in this ladder
 string MapAuthors[32]
           Map authors.
 string MapDescription[32]
           Map description.
 string MapPrefix
           Match map prefix.
 string MapTitle[32]
           Map title.
 string Maps[32]
           Match map.
 string MatchInfo[32]
           BotConfig to use for each game
 int Matches
           # of matches in ladder.
 int NumTeams
           Number of LadderTeams
 int RankedGame[32]
           Rank to award upon completion.
 int TimeLimits[32]
           Match timelimit.
 string Titles[9]
           Ranking titles.
 bool bTeamGame
           TeamGame ladder?

Function Summary
 string GetAuthor(int Index)
 string GetDesc(int Index)
 int GetFragLimit(int Index)
 int GetGoalTeamScore(int Index)
 string GetMap(int Index)
 string GetMapTitle(int Index)
 string GetRank(int Index)

Source Code

00001	//=============================================================================
00002	// Ladder
00003	// A ladder game ladder.
00004	//=============================================================================
00005	class Ladder extends Info
00006		abstract
00007		config(user);
00009	var() int			Matches;						// # of matches in ladder.
00010	var() bool			bTeamGame;						// TeamGame ladder?
00011	var() localized string	    Titles[9];						// Ranking titles.
00012	var() string		MapPrefix;						// Match map prefix.
00014	// 32 Matches
00015	var() string	    Maps[32];						// Match map.
00016	var() string	    MapAuthors[32];					// Map authors.
00017	var() localized string	    MapTitle[32];					// Map title.
00018	var() localized string	    MapDescription[32];				// Map description.
00019	var() int			RankedGame[32];					// Rank to award upon completion.
00020	var() int			GoalTeamScore[32];				// Match goalteamscore.
00021	var() int			FragLimits[32];					// Match fraglimit.
00022	var() int			TimeLimits[32];					// Match timelimit.
00023	var() string		MatchInfo[32];					// BotConfig to use for each game
00024														// The botconfig has all the info about
00025														// individual bots in this match
00026	var() int			DemoDisplay[32];				// This match is for demo display only.
00028	var() class<RatedTeamInfo> LadderTeams[32];			// Teams that can be fought in this ladder
00029	var() int			NumTeams;						// Number of LadderTeams
00031	var   globalconfig bool	HasBeatenGame;
00033	static function Class<RatedMatchInfo> GetMatchConfigType(int Index)
00034	{
00035		return Class<RatedMatchInfo>(DynamicLoadObject(Default.MatchInfo[Index], class'Class'));
00036	}
00038	static function string GetMap( int Index )
00039	{
00040		return Default.Maps[Index];
00041	}
00043	static function string GetAuthor( int Index )
00044	{
00045		return Default.MapAuthors[Index];
00046	}
00048	static function string GetMapTitle( int Index )
00049	{
00050		return Default.MapTitle[Index];
00051	}
00053	static function string GetDesc( int Index )
00054	{
00055		return Default.MapDescription[Index];
00056	}
00058	static function string GetRank( int Index )
00059	{
00060		return Default.Titles[Index];
00061	}
00063	static function int GetFragLimit( int Index )
00064	{
00065		return Default.FragLimits[Index];
00066	}
00068	static function int GetGoalTeamScore( int Index )
00069	{
00070		return Default.GoalTeamScore[Index];
00071	}
00073	defaultproperties
00074	{
00075	     Titles(0)="Untrained"
00076	     Titles(1)="Contender"
00077	     Titles(2)="Light Weight"
00078	     Titles(3)="Heavy Weight"
00079	     Titles(4)="Warlord"
00080	     Titles(5)="Battle Master"
00081	     Titles(6)="Champion"
00082	     LadderTeams(0)=Class'Botpack.RatedTeamInfo1'
00083	     LadderTeams(1)=Class'Botpack.RatedTeamInfo2'
00084	     LadderTeams(2)=Class'Botpack.RatedTeamInfo3'
00085	     LadderTeams(3)=Class'Botpack.RatedTeamInfo4'
00086	     LadderTeams(4)=Class'Botpack.RatedTeamInfo5'
00087	     LadderTeams(5)=Class'Botpack.RatedTeamInfo6'
00088	     LadderTeams(6)=Class'Botpack.RatedTeamInfoS'
00089	     LadderTeams(7)=Class'Botpack.RatedTeamInfoDemo1'
00090	     LadderTeams(8)=Class'Botpack.RatedTeamInfoDemo2'
00091	     NumTeams=7
00092	}

End Source Code