Class LadderAS

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Botpack\Classes\LadderAS.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:None

class LadderAS
extends Botpack.Ladder

//============================================================================= // LadderAS //=============================================================================

Function Summary
 int GetObjectiveCount(int Index, AssaultInfo AI)
// Objective Shots
 Texture GetObjectiveShot(int Index, int ShotNum, AssaultInfo AI)
 string GetObjectiveString(int Index, int StringNum, AssaultInfo AI)

Source Code

00001	//=============================================================================
00002	// LadderAS
00003	//=============================================================================
00004	class LadderAS extends Ladder;
00006	// Objective Shots
00007	static function int GetObjectiveCount(int Index, AssaultInfo AI)
00008	{
00009		AI = AssaultInfo(DynamicLoadObject(Default.MapPrefix$Default.Maps[Index]$".AssaultInfo0", class'AssaultInfo'));
00010		return AI.NumObjShots;
00011	}
00013	static function texture GetObjectiveShot(int Index, int ShotNum, AssaultInfo AI)
00014	{
00015		AI = AssaultInfo(DynamicLoadObject(Default.MapPrefix$Default.Maps[Index]$".AssaultInfo0", class'AssaultInfo'));
00016		return AI.ObjShots[ShotNum];
00017	}
00019	static function string GetObjectiveString(int Index, int StringNum, AssaultInfo AI)
00020	{
00021		AI = AssaultInfo(DynamicLoadObject(Default.MapPrefix$Default.Maps[Index]$".AssaultInfo0", class'AssaultInfo'));
00022		return AI.ObjDesc[StringNum];
00023	}
00025	defaultproperties
00026	{
00027	     Matches=7
00028	     bTeamGame=True
00029	     MapPrefix="AS-"
00030	     Maps(0)="Tutorial.unr"
00031	     Maps(1)="Frigate.unr"
00032	     Maps(2)="HiSpeed.unr"
00033	     Maps(3)="Rook.unr"
00034	     Maps(4)="Mazon.unr"
00035	     Maps(5)="OceanFloor.unr"
00036	     Maps(6)="Overlord.unr"
00037	     MapAuthors(0)="Cliff Bleszinski"
00038	     MapAuthors(1)="Shane Caudle"
00039	     MapAuthors(2)="Juan Pancho Eekels"
00040	     MapAuthors(3)="Alan Willard 'Talisman'"
00041	     MapAuthors(4)="Shane Caudle"
00042	     MapAuthors(5)="Juan Pancho Eekels"
00043	     MapAuthors(6)="Dave Ewing"
00044	     MapTitle(0)="AS Tutorial"
00045	     MapTitle(1)="Frigate"
00046	     MapTitle(2)="High Speed"
00047	     MapTitle(3)="Rook"
00048	     MapTitle(4)="Mazon"
00049	     MapTitle(5)="Ocean Floor"
00050	     MapTitle(6)="Overlord"
00051	     MapDescription(0)="Learn the basic rules of Assault in this special training environment. Test your skills against an untrained enemy before entering the tournament proper."
00052	     MapDescription(1)="A somewhat antiquated Earth warship, the restored SS Victory is still seaworthy. A dual security system prevents intruders from activating the guns by only allowing crew members to open the control room portal. However, should the aft boiler be damaged beyond repair the door will auto-release, allowing access to anyone."
00053	     MapDescription(2)="Always looking to entertain the public, LC refitted this 200 mph high speed train for Tournament purposes. This time the combatants will have the added danger of being able to fall off a train. Get your popcorn out people and enjoy the show!"
00054	     MapDescription(3)="This ancient castle, nestled in the highlands of Romania, was purchased by Xan Kriegor as a personal training ground for his opponents, hoping to cull the best of the best to challenge him. The attacking team must open the main gates and escape the castle by breaking free the main winch in the library and throwing the gatehouse lever, while the defending team must prevent their escape."
00055	     MapDescription(4)="Nestled deep within the foothills of the jungle planet Zeus 6 lies Mazon Fortress, a seemingly impregnable stronghold. Deep within the bowels of the base resides an enormous shard of the rare and volatile element Tarydium. The shard is levitating between two enormous electron rods above a pool of superconductive swamp water."
00056	     MapDescription(5)="Oceanfloor Station5, built by universities around the globe for deep sea research, almost ran out of money when LC came to the rescue. Jerl Liandri President LC: 'If we can't ensure education for our children, what will come of this world?'"
00057	     MapDescription(6)="The tournament organizers at Liandri have decided that the recreation of arguably the Earth's most violent war would create the perfect arena of combat. Storming the beaches of Normandy in WWII was chosen in particular because of the overwhelming odds facing each member of the attacking force. Defending this beach, however, will prove to be no less of a daunting task."
00058	     RankedGame(0)=1
00059	     RankedGame(1)=2
00060	     RankedGame(2)=3
00061	     RankedGame(3)=4
00062	     RankedGame(4)=5
00063	     RankedGame(5)=5
00064	     RankedGame(6)=6
00065	     MatchInfo(0)="Botpack.RatedMatchASTUT"
00066	     MatchInfo(1)="Botpack.RatedMatchAS1"
00067	     MatchInfo(2)="Botpack.RatedMatchAS2"
00068	     MatchInfo(3)="Botpack.RatedMatchAS3"
00069	     MatchInfo(4)="Botpack.RatedMatchAS4"
00070	     MatchInfo(5)="Botpack.RatedMatchAS5"
00071	     MatchInfo(6)="Botpack.RatedMatchAS6"
00072	}

End Source Code