Class LadderCTFDemo

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Botpack\Classes\LadderCTFDemo.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:None

class LadderCTFDemo
extends Botpack.Ladder

Source Code

00001	class LadderCTFDemo expands Ladder;
00003	defaultproperties
00004	{
00005	     Matches=10
00006	     bTeamGame=True
00007	     MapPrefix="CTF-"
00008	     Maps(0)="Tutorial.unr"
00009	     Maps(1)="CoretDemo.unr"
00010	     MapAuthors(0)="Cliff Bleszinski"
00011	     MapAuthors(1)="Alan Willard 'Talisman'"
00012	     MapTitle(0)="CTF Tutorial"
00013	     MapTitle(1)="Coret"
00014	     MapDescription(0)="Learn the basic rules and systems of Capture the Flag in this special training environment. Test your skills against an untrained enemy team before entering the tournament proper."
00015	     MapDescription(1)="Built into a mountaintop on the Coret moon, this facility was once the waypoint between the Interstellar zonegate in orbit over the moon and the Zeto Research Station located half the moon away in the frozen wastes."
00016	     RankedGame(0)=1
00017	     RankedGame(1)=4
00018	     GoalTeamScore(1)=3
00019	     MatchInfo(0)="Botpack.RatedMatchCTFTUT"
00020	     MatchInfo(1)="Botpack.RatedMatchCTFDemo1"
00021	}

End Source Code