Week 12 – Softs

Softs Prep Week 12 Updates Story Part Softs Next Steps Over the weekend, we developed our story and integrated it into the project. In the story stage, guests essentially are presented with a three-act narrative, and advance the plot by picking major or minor. Similar to the other stages in Read more…

Week 11 – Getting Ready for Softs

Softs Prep Week 11 Updates prototype 3 iterations softs plan Prototype 3 Updates This week, we spent time finetuning and polishing our third prototype, which is exploring major and minor music.  Updates to Onboarding Scene https://vimeo.com/646205530 We made significant improvements to our onboarding scene. First off, we decided to take Read more…

Week 10 – Playtest Day

Bringing our Experience to the Public Week 10 Updates prototype 3 refinements playtest day findings Prototype 3 Demo https://vimeo.com/643254437https://vimeo.com/643263222 Playtest Day  On Saturday we had our playtest day. It was an awesome opportunity to test with folks outside of the ETC. We had about 9 groups of playtesters, each group Read more…