Class UnrealFavoritesMenu

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\UnrealShare\Classes\UnrealFavoritesMenu.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:None

class UnrealFavoritesMenu
extends UnrealShare.UnrealLongMenu

//============================================================================= // UnrealFavoritesMenu //=============================================================================
 string Aliases[12]
           Menu List has aliases
 string EditList[2]
           Menu List has aliases
 int EditSelection
           Menu List has aliases
 string Favorites[12]
           Menu List has aliases
 string OldAlias
           Menu List has aliases
 string OldFavorite
           Menu List has aliases
 bool bEditAlias
           Menu List has aliases
 bool bEditFavorite
           Menu List has aliases
 bool bEditMode
           Menu List has aliases

Function Summary
 void DrawMenu(Canvas Canvas)
 bool ProcessLeft()
 void ProcessMenuEscape()
 void ProcessMenuInput(string InputString)
 void ProcessMenuUpdate(string InputString)
 bool ProcessRight()
 bool ProcessSelection()
 void SaveConfigs()

Source Code

00001	//=============================================================================
00002	// UnrealFavoritesMenu
00003	//=============================================================================
00004	class UnrealFavoritesMenu extends UnrealLongMenu;
00006	var config string Favorites[12]; //Menu List has aliases
00007	var config string Aliases[12]; //Menu List has aliases
00008	var localized string EditList[2];
00009	var bool	bEditMode;
00010	var bool	bEditAlias;
00011	var bool	bEditFavorite;
00012	var string OldFavorite;
00013	var string OldAlias;
00014	var int EditSelection;
00016	function SaveConfigs()
00017	{
00018		SaveConfig();
00019	}	
00021	function ProcessMenuInput( coerce string InputString )
00022	{
00023		if ( bEditAlias )
00024		{
00025			Aliases[EditSelection] = InputString;
00026			bEditAlias = false;
00027			Favorites[EditSelection] = "_";
00028			bEditFavorite = true;
00029		}
00030		else
00031		{
00032			bEditFavorite = false;
00033			bEditMode = false;
00034			Selection = EditSelection + 1;
00035			Favorites[EditSelection] = InputString;
00036		}
00037	}
00039	function ProcessMenuEscape()
00040	{
00041		if ( bEditAlias )
00042			Aliases[EditSelection] = OldAlias;
00043		else
00044			Favorites[EditSelection] = OldFavorite; 
00045	}
00047	function ProcessMenuUpdate( coerce string InputString )
00048	{
00049		if ( bEditAlias )
00050			Aliases[EditSelection] = (InputString$"_");
00051		else
00052			Favorites[EditSelection] = (InputString$"_");
00053	}
00055	function bool ProcessSelection()
00056	{
00057		local Menu ChildMenu;
00059		if ( Aliases[Selection-1] != "....." )
00060		{
00061			SaveConfigs();
00062			ChildMenu = spawn(class'UnrealMeshMenu', owner);
00063			if ( ChildMenu != None )
00064			{
00065				UnrealMeshMenu(ChildMenu).StartMap = Favorites[Selection - 1];
00066				HUD(Owner).MainMenu = ChildMenu;
00067				ChildMenu.ParentMenu = self;
00068				ChildMenu.PlayerOwner = PlayerOwner;
00069			}
00070		}
00071		return true;
00072	}
00074	function bool ProcessLeft()
00075	{
00076		bEditMode = true;
00077		bEditAlias = true;
00078		OldFavorite = Favorites[Selection-1];
00079		OldAlias = Aliases[Selection-1];
00080		Favorites[Selection-1] = "";
00081		Aliases[Selection-1] = "_";	
00082		EditSelection = Selection - 1;	
00083		PlayerOwner.Player.Console.GotoState('MenuTyping');
00084	}
00086	function bool ProcessRight()
00087	{
00088		ProcessLeft();
00089	}
00091	function DrawMenu(canvas Canvas)
00092	{
00093		local int StartX, StartY, Spacing, i;
00095		DrawBackGround(Canvas, (Canvas.ClipY < 250));
00097		// Draw Title
00098		StartX = Max(16, 0.5 * Canvas.ClipX - 80);
00099		Canvas.Font = Canvas.LargeFont;
00100		Canvas.SetPos(StartX, 4 );
00101		Canvas.DrawText(MenuTitle, False);
00103		if ( !bEditMode )
00104		{		
00105			// List Aliases
00106			Spacing = Clamp(Canvas.ClipY/20, 10, 32);
00107			StartX = Max(48, 0.5 * Canvas.ClipX - 64);
00108			StartY = Max(40, 0.5 * (Canvas.ClipY - MenuLength * Spacing));
00110			Canvas.Font = Canvas.MedFont;
00111			for ( i=0; i<12; i++ )
00112			{
00113				if ( Aliases[i] != "" )
00114				{
00115					SetFontBrightness( Canvas, (Selection == i + 1) );
00116					Canvas.SetPos(StartX, StartY + i * Spacing );
00117					Canvas.DrawText(Aliases[i], false);
00118				}
00119			}
00120			Canvas.DrawColor = Canvas.Default.DrawColor;
00122			DrawHelpPanel(Canvas, StartY + MenuLength * Spacing + 8, 228);
00123		}
00124		else
00125		{
00126			if ( bEditFavorite )
00127			{
00128				bEditFavorite = false;
00129				PlayerOwner.Player.Console.GotoState('MenuTyping');
00130			}
00132			Spacing = Clamp(Canvas.ClipY/20, 16, 32);
00133			StartX = Max(48, 0.5 * Canvas.ClipX - 120);
00134			StartY = Max(40, 0.5 * (Canvas.ClipY - 2 * Spacing));
00136			Canvas.Font = Canvas.MedFont;
00137			SetFontBrightness( Canvas, bEditAlias );
00138			Canvas.SetPos(StartX, StartY );
00139			Canvas.DrawText(EditList[0], false);
00140			Canvas.SetPos(StartX + 128, StartY );
00141			Canvas.DrawText(Aliases[EditSelection], false);
00143			SetFontBrightness( Canvas, !bEditAlias );
00144			Canvas.SetPos(StartX, StartY + Spacing );
00145			Canvas.DrawText(EditList[1], false);
00146			Canvas.SetPos(StartX + 104, StartY + Spacing );
00147			Canvas.DrawText(Favorites[EditSelection], false);
00148			Canvas.DrawColor = Canvas.Default.DrawColor;
00149		}
00150	}
00152	defaultproperties
00153	{
00154	     Favorites(0)="unreal://unreal.mplayer.com"
00155	     Favorites(1)="unreal://unreal.heat.net"
00156	     Favorites(2)="unreal://unreal.won.net"
00157	     Favorites(3)="unreal://unreal.gamespy.com"
00158	     Favorites(4)="unreal://unreal.gamehub.net"
00159	     Favorites(5)="unreal://unreal.vrgn.com"
00160	     Favorites(6)="unreal://nali.unrealserver.net"
00161	     Favorites(7)="unreal://krall.unreal.org"
00162	     Favorites(8)="unreal://server.unreal.com"
00163	     Aliases(0)="MPlayer.com"
00164	     Aliases(1)="Heat.net"
00165	     Aliases(2)="World Opponent Network"
00166	     Aliases(3)="GameSpy"
00167	     Aliases(4)="AT&T Worldnet"
00168	     Aliases(5)="VRGN Game Network"
00169	     Aliases(6)="Now OnLine"
00170	     Aliases(7)="The Unreal Org"
00171	     Aliases(8)="Epic MegaGames"
00172	     Aliases(9)="..Empty.."
00173	     Aliases(10)="..Empty.."
00174	     Aliases(11)="..Empty.."
00175	     EditList(0)="Name for Server:"
00176	     EditList(1)="Address:"
00177	     MenuLength=12
00178	     HelpMessage(1)="Hit enter to go to this server.  Hit the right arrow key to edit this entry."
00179	     HelpMessage(2)="Hit enter to go to this server.  Hit the right arrow key to edit this entry."
00180	     HelpMessage(3)="Hit enter to go to this server.  Hit the right arrow key to edit this entry."
00181	     HelpMessage(4)="Hit enter to go to this server.  Hit the right arrow key to edit this entry."
00182	     HelpMessage(5)="Hit enter to go to this server.  Hit the right arrow key to edit this entry."
00183	     HelpMessage(6)="Hit enter to go to this server.  Hit the right arrow key to edit this entry."
00184	     HelpMessage(7)="Hit enter to go to this server.  Hit the right arrow key to edit this entry."
00185	     HelpMessage(8)="Hit enter to go to this server.  Hit the right arrow key to edit this entry."
00186	     HelpMessage(9)="Hit enter to go to this server.  Hit the right arrow key to edit this entry."
00187	     HelpMessage(10)="Hit enter to go to this server.  Hit the right arrow key to edit this entry."
00188	     HelpMessage(11)="Hit enter to go to this server.  Hit the right arrow key to edit this entry."
00189	     HelpMessage(12)="Hit enter to go to this server.  Hit the right arrow key to edit this entry."
00190	     MenuTitle="FAVORITES"
00191	}

End Source Code