Core.Object | +--Engine.Actor | +--Engine.Decoration | +--UnrealI.Cannon
TakeDamage(int NDamage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, Vector momentum, name damageType)
// To resolve error 'virtual function 'shoot' not found'
Trigger(Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator)
00001 //============================================================================= 00002 // Cannon. 00003 //============================================================================= 00004 class Cannon extends Decoration; 00005 00006 #exec MESH IMPORT MESH=CannonM ANIVFILE=MODELS\cannon_a.3D DATAFILE=MODELS\cannon_d.3D X=0 Y=0 Z=0 00007 #exec MESH ORIGIN MESH=CannonM X=0 Y=270 Z=0 YAW=-64 ROLL=-64 00008 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=CannonM SEQ=All STARTFRAME=0 NUMFRAMES=20 00009 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=CannonM SEQ=Activate STARTFRAME=0 NUMFRAMES=10 00010 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=CannonM SEQ=Angle0 STARTFRAME=10 NUMFRAMES=1 00011 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=CannonM SEQ=Angle1 STARTFRAME=11 NUMFRAMES=1 00012 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=CannonM SEQ=Angle2 STARTFRAME=12 NUMFRAMES=1 00013 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=CannonM SEQ=Angle3 STARTFRAME=13 NUMFRAMES=1 00014 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=CannonM SEQ=Angle4 STARTFRAME=14 NUMFRAMES=1 00015 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=CannonM SEQ=FAngle0 STARTFRAME=15 NUMFRAMES=1 00016 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=CannonM SEQ=FAngle1 STARTFRAME=16 NUMFRAMES=1 00017 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=CannonM SEQ=FAngle2 STARTFRAME=17 NUMFRAMES=1 00018 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=CannonM SEQ=FAngle3 STARTFRAME=18 NUMFRAMES=1 00019 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=CannonM SEQ=FAngle4 STARTFRAME=19 NUMFRAMES=1 00020 #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=JCannon1 FILE=MODELS\cannon.PCX GROUP=Skins 00021 #exec OBJ LOAD FILE=..\UnrealShare\Textures\fireeffect13.utx PACKAGE=UNREALI.Effect13 00022 #exec MESHMAP SCALE MESHMAP=CannonM X=0.2 Y=0.2 Z=0.4 00023 #exec MESHMAP SETTEXTURE MESHMAP=CannonM NUM=0 TEXTURE=Unreali.Effect13.FireEffect13 00024 #exec MESHMAP SETTEXTURE MESHMAP=CannonM NUM=1 TEXTURE=JCannon1 00025 00026 #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\Cannon\turshot1.wav" NAME="CannonShot" GROUP="Cannon" 00027 #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\Cannon\turdrop1.wav" NAME="CannonActivate" GROUP="Cannon" 00028 #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\Cannon\turExpl.wav" NAME="CannonExplode" GROUP="Cannon" 00029 00030 var() float DeactivateDistance; // How far away Instigator must be to deactivate Cannon 00031 var() float SampleTime; // How often we sample Instigator's location 00032 var() int TrackingRate; // How fast Cannon tracks Instigator 00033 var() float Drop; // How far down to drop spawning of projectile 00034 var() float Health; 00035 var() sound FireSound; 00036 var() sound ActivateSound; 00037 var() sound ExplodeSound; 00038 var actor cTarget; 00039 var bool bShoot; 00040 var int ShotsFired; 00041 var actor a; 00042 00043 function Shoot() {} // To resolve error 'virtual function 'shoot' not found' 00044 00045 function TakeDamage( int NDamage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, 00046 Vector momentum, name damageType) 00047 { 00048 Instigator = InstigatedBy; 00049 if (Health<0) Return; 00050 if ( Instigator != None ) 00051 MakeNoise(1.0); 00052 Health -= NDamage; 00053 if (Health <0) { 00054 PlaySound(ExplodeSound, SLOT_None,5.0); 00055 skinnedFrag(class'Fragment1',texture'JCannon1', Momentum,1.0,17); 00056 Destroy(); 00057 } 00058 } 00059 00060 00061 function Trigger( actor Other, pawn EventInstigator ) 00062 { 00063 cTarget = Other; 00064 Instigator = EventInstigator; 00065 GotoState( 'ActivateCannon'); 00066 } 00067 00068 state ActivateCannon 00069 { 00070 function Trigger( actor Other, pawn EventInstigator ) {} 00071 00072 function Timer() 00073 { 00074 00075 if (VSize(cTarget.Location - Location) > DeactivateDistance) GoToState('Deactivate'); 00076 if (Pawn(cTarget)!=None && Pawn(cTarget).Health>0 || cTarget==None) GoToState('Deactivate'); 00077 DesiredRotation = rotator(cTarget.Location - Location + Vect(0,0,1)*Drop); 00078 DesiredRotation.Yaw = DesiredRotation.Yaw & 65535; 00079 if (Abs(DesiredRotation.Yaw - (Rotation.Yaw & 65535)) < 1000 00080 && DesiredRotation.Pitch < 1000 && bShoot) Shoot(); 00081 else if (Abs(DesiredRotation.Yaw - (Rotation.Yaw & 65535)) > 64535 00082 && DesiredRotation.Pitch < 1000 && bShoot) Shoot(); 00083 else { 00084 if (DesiredRotation.Pitch < -6000 ) TweenAnim('Angle4', 0.25); 00085 else if (DesiredRotation.Pitch < -4000 ) TweenAnim('Angle3', 0.25); 00086 else if (DesiredRotation.Pitch < -2000 ) TweenAnim('Angle2', 0.25); 00087 else if (DesiredRotation.Pitch < -500 ) TweenAnim('Angle1', 0.25); 00088 else TweenAnim('Angle0', 0.25); 00089 bShoot=True; 00090 } 00091 bRotateToDesired = True; 00092 SetTimer(SampleTime,True); 00093 } 00094 00095 function Shoot() 00096 { 00097 if (DesiredRotation.Pitch < -10000) Return; 00098 PlaySound(FireSound, SLOT_None,5.0); 00099 if (DesiredRotation.Pitch < -6000 ) PlayAnim('FAngle4',5.0); 00100 else if (DesiredRotation.Pitch < -4000 ) PlayAnim('FAngle3',5.0); 00101 else if (DesiredRotation.Pitch < -2000 ) PlayAnim('FAngle2',5.0); 00102 else if (DesiredRotation.Pitch < -500 ) PlayAnim('FAngle1',5.0); 00103 else PlayAnim('FAngle0',5.0); 00104 Spawn (class'CannonBolt',,,Location+Vector(DesiredRotation)*100 - Vect(0,0,1)*Drop,DesiredRotation); 00105 bShoot=False; 00106 SetTimer(0.05,True); 00107 } 00108 00109 Begin: 00110 PlayAnim('Activate',0.5); 00111 PlaySound(ActivateSound, SLOT_None, 2.0); 00112 FinishAnim(); 00113 SetTimer(SampleTime,True); 00114 RotationRate.Yaw = TrackingRate; 00115 SetPhysics(PHYS_Rotating); 00116 bShoot=True; 00117 } 00118 00119 state DeActivate 00120 { 00121 Begin: 00122 TweenAnim('Activate',3.0); 00123 if (Event!='') 00124 foreach AllActors( class 'Actor', A, Event ) 00125 A.Trigger( Self, Pawn(cTarget) ); 00126 00127 } 00128 00129 defaultproperties 00130 { 00131 DeactivateDistance=2000.000000 00132 SampleTime=0.300000 00133 TrackingRate=10000 00134 Drop=60.000000 00135 Health=100.000000 00136 FireSound=Sound'UnrealI.Cannon.CannonShot' 00137 ActivateSound=Sound'UnrealI.Cannon.CannonActivate' 00138 ExplodeSound=Sound'UnrealI.Cannon.CannonExplode' 00139 bStatic=False 00140 DrawType=DT_Mesh 00141 Mesh=LodMesh'UnrealI.CannonM' 00142 CollisionRadius=44.000000 00143 CollisionHeight=44.000000 00144 bCollideActors=True 00145 bCollideWorld=True 00146 bProjTarget=True 00147 RotationRate=(Yaw=50000) 00148 }