Function Summary |
bool |
// Add bot to game.
void |
AddDefaultInventory(Pawn PlayerPawn)
// Spawn any default inventory for the player.
void |
AdminLogin(PlayerPawn P, string Password)
// Admin
void |
AdminLogout(PlayerPawn P) |
bool |
AllowsBroadcast(Actor broadcaster, int Len)
// Whether players are allowed to broadcast messages now.
bool |
AtCapacity(string Options) |
void |
BroadcastRegularDeathMessage(Pawn Killer, Pawn Other, name damageType) |
bool |
CanSpectate(Pawn Viewer, Actor ViewTarget)
// Return whether Viewer is allowed to spectate from the
// point of view of ViewTarget.
void |
ChangeName(Pawn Other, string S, bool bNameChange)
// Try to change a player's name.
bool |
ChangeTeam(Pawn Other, int N)
// Return whether a team change is allowed.
bool |
CheckIPPolicy(string Address) |
string |
CreatureKillMessage(name damageType, Pawn Other)
// Generate a killed by creature message.
void |
DiscardInventory(Pawn Other)
// Discard a player's inventory after he dies.
void |
EndGame(string Reason)
// End of game.
NavigationPoint |
FindPlayerStart(Pawn Player, optional byte, optional string)
// Return the 'best' player start for this player to start from.
// Re-implement for each game type.
bool |
ForceAddBot() |
string |
// Game Querying.
int |
GetIntOption(string Options, string ParseString, int CurrentValue) |
void |
GetKeyValue(string Pair, out string, out string)
// Break up a key=value pair into its key and value.
string |
GetNetworkNumber() |
string |
GetRules() |
int |
// Return the server's port number.
bool |
GrabOption(out string, out string)
// Grab the next option from a string.
bool |
HasOption(string Options, string InKey)
// See if an option was specified in the options string.
void |
// Replication
void |
InitLogging() |
bool |
IsRelevant(Actor Other)
// Return whether an actor should be destroyed in
// this type of game.
string |
KillMessage(name damageType, Pawn Other)
// Default death message.
void |
Killed(Pawn Killer, Pawn Other, name damageType)
// Level death message functions.
void |
LogGameParameters(StatLog StatLog)
// Stat Logging.
void |
Logout(Pawn Exiting)
// Pawn exits.
string |
ParseKillMessage(string KillerName, string VictimName, string WeaponName, string DeathMessage)
// %k = Owner's PlayerName (Killer)
// %o = Other's PlayerName (Victim)
// %w = Owner's Weapon ItemName
string |
ParseOption(string Options, string InKey)
// Find an option in the options string and return it.
bool |
PickupQuery(Pawn Other, Inventory item)
// Called when pawn has a chance to pick Item up (i.e. when
// the pawn touches a weapon pickup). Should return true if
// he wants to pick it up, false if he does not want it.
float |
PlaySpawnEffect(Inventory Inv)
// Play an inventory respawn effect.
void |
PlayTeleportEffect(Actor Incoming, bool bOut, bool bSound)
// Play a teleporting special effect.
float |
// Return the player jumpZ scaling for this gametype
string |
PlayerKillMessage(name damageType, PlayerReplicationInfo Other)
// Generate a player killled message.
void |
PostBeginPlay() |
void |
// Engine notifications.
void |
ProcessServerTravel(string URL, bool bItems)
// Optional handling of ServerTravel for network games.
int |
ReduceDamage(int Damage, name DamageType, Pawn injured, Pawn instigatedBy)
// Use reduce damage for teamplay modifications, etc.
void |
RegisterDamageMutator(Mutator M) |
void |
RegisterMessageMutator(Mutator M) |
void |
ResetGame() |
void |
// Restart the game.
bool |
RestartPlayer(Pawn aPlayer)
// Restart a player.
void |
ScoreEvent(name EventName, Actor EventActor, Pawn InstigatedBy)
// Award a score to an actor.
void |
ScoreKill(Pawn Killer, Pawn Other) |
void |
SendPlayer(PlayerPawn aPlayer, string URL)
// Send a player to a URL.
bool |
SetEndCams(string Reason) |
void |
SetGameSpeed(Float T)
// Set gameplay speed.
bool |
SetPause(BOOL bPause, PlayerPawn P) |
bool |
ShouldRespawn(Actor Other)
// Return whether an item should respawn.
void |
StartPlayer(PlayerPawn Other)
// Start a player.
void |
Timer() |