Function Summary |
bool |
AddBot() |
void |
AddToTeam(int num, Pawn Other) |
byte |
AssessBotAttitude(Bot aBot, Pawn Other) |
bool |
CanSpectate(Pawn Viewer, Actor ViewTarget) |
bool |
ChangeTeam(Pawn Other, int NewTeam) |
void |
CheckReady() |
void |
ClearOrders(Pawn Leaving) |
NavigationPoint |
FindPlayerStart(Pawn Player, optional byte, optional string) |
bool |
FindSpecialAttractionFor(Bot aBot) |
byte |
FindTeamByName(string TeamName)
// Find a team given its name
string |
// Game Querying.
TeamInfo |
GetTeam(int TeamNum) |
bool |
HandleTieUp(Bot Bumper, Bot Bumpee) |
void |
InitGameReplicationInfo() |
void |
InitRatedGame(LadderInventory LadderObj, PlayerPawn LadderPlayer)
// Set game settings based on ladder information.
// Called when RatedPlayer logs in.
bool |
IsOnTeam(Pawn Other, int TeamNum) |
void |
LogGameParameters(StatLog StatLog) |
void |
Logout(Pawn Exiting) |
void |
PickAmbushSpotFor(Bot aBot) |
void |
PlayStartUpMessage(PlayerPawn NewPlayer)
// Player start functions
void |
PostBeginPlay() |
byte |
PriorityObjective(Bot aBot) |
void |
// rebalance teams after player changes teams or leaves
// find biggest and smallest teams. If 2 apart, move bot from biggest to smallest
int |
ReduceDamage(int Damage, name DamageType, Pawn injured, Pawn instigatedBy)
//Use reduce damage for teamplay modifications, etc.
void |
ScoreKill(Pawn Killer, Pawn Other) |
bool |
SendBotToGoal(Bot aBot) |
void |
SetAttractionStateFor(Bot aBot) |
void |
SetBotOrders(Bot NewBot) |
Actor |
SetDefenseFor(Bot aBot) |
bool |
SetEndCams(string Reason) |
bool |
SuccessfulGame() |
bool |
WaitForPoint(Bot aBot) |