Class CTFMessage

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Botpack\Classes\CTFMessage.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:None

class CTFMessage
extends Botpack.CriticalEventPlus

// // CTF Messages // // Switch 0: Capture Message // RelatedPRI_1 is the scorer. // OptionalObject is the flag. // // Switch 1: Return Message // RelatedPRI_1 is the scorer. // OptionalObject is the flag. // // Switch 2: Dropped Message // RelatedPRI_1 is the holder. // OptionalObject is the flag's team teaminfo. // // Switch 3: Was Returned Message // OptionalObject is the flag's team teaminfo. // // Switch 4: Has the flag. // RelatedPRI_1 is the holder. // OptionalObject is the flag's team teaminfo. // // Switch 5: Auto Send Home. // OptionalObject is the flag's team teaminfo. // // Switch 6: Pickup stray. // RelatedPRI_1 is the holder. // OptionalObject is the flag's team teaminfo.
 CaptureBlue, CaptureRed
 DroppedBlue, DroppedRed
 string HasBlue,HasRed
 ReturnBlue, ReturnRed
 ReturnedBlue, ReturnedRed

Function Summary
 string GetString(optional int, optional PlayerReplicationInfo, optional PlayerReplicationInfo, optional Object)

Source Code

00001	//
00002	// CTF Messages
00003	//
00004	// Switch 0: Capture Message
00005	//	RelatedPRI_1 is the scorer.
00006	//	OptionalObject is the flag.
00007	//
00008	// Switch 1: Return Message
00009	//	RelatedPRI_1 is the scorer.
00010	//	OptionalObject is the flag.
00011	//
00012	// Switch 2: Dropped Message
00013	//	RelatedPRI_1 is the holder.
00014	//	OptionalObject is the flag's team teaminfo.
00015	//	
00016	// Switch 3: Was Returned Message
00017	//	OptionalObject is the flag's team teaminfo.
00018	//
00019	// Switch 4: Has the flag.
00020	//	RelatedPRI_1 is the holder.
00021	//	OptionalObject is the flag's team teaminfo.
00022	//
00023	// Switch 5: Auto Send Home.
00024	//	OptionalObject is the flag's team teaminfo.
00025	//
00026	// Switch 6: Pickup stray.
00027	//	RelatedPRI_1 is the holder.
00028	//	OptionalObject is the flag's team teaminfo.
00030	class CTFMessage extends CriticalEventPlus;
00032	var localized string ReturnBlue, ReturnRed;
00033	var localized string ReturnedBlue, ReturnedRed;
00034	var localized string CaptureBlue, CaptureRed;
00035	var localized string DroppedBlue, DroppedRed;
00036	var localized string HasBlue,HasRed;
00038	static function string GetString(
00039		optional int Switch,
00040		optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, 
00041		optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2,
00042		optional Object OptionalObject
00043		)
00044	{
00045		switch (Switch)
00046		{
00047			// Captured the flag.
00048			case 0:
00049				if (RelatedPRI_1 == None)
00050					return "";
00051				if ( CTFFlag(OptionalObject) == None )
00052					return "";
00054				if ( CTFFlag(OptionalObject).Team == 0 )
00055					return RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName@Default.CaptureRed;
00056				else
00057					return RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName@Default.CaptureBlue;
00058				break;
00060			// Returned the flag.
00061			case 1:
00062				if ( CTFFlag(OptionalObject) == None )
00063					return "";
00064				if (RelatedPRI_1 == None)
00065				{
00066					if ( CTFFlag(OptionalObject).Team == 0 )
00067						return Default.ReturnedRed;
00068					else
00069						return Default.ReturnedBlue;
00070				}
00071				if ( CTFFlag(OptionalObject).Team == 0 )
00072					return RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName@Default.ReturnRed;
00073				else
00074					return RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName@Default.ReturnBlue;
00075				break;
00077			// Dropped the flag.
00078			case 2:
00079				if (RelatedPRI_1 == None)
00080					return "";
00081				if ( TeamInfo(OptionalObject) == None )
00082					return "";
00084				if ( TeamInfo(OptionalObject).TeamIndex == 0 )
00085					return RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName@Default.DroppedRed;
00086				else
00087					return RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName@Default.DroppedBlue;
00088				break;
00090			// Was returned.
00091			case 3:
00092				if ( TeamInfo(OptionalObject) == None )
00093					return "";
00095				if ( TeamInfo(OptionalObject).TeamIndex == 0 )
00096					return Default.ReturnedRed;
00097				else
00098					return Default.ReturnedBlue;
00099				break;
00101			// Has the flag.
00102			case 4:
00103				if (RelatedPRI_1 == None)
00104					return "";
00105				if ( TeamInfo(OptionalObject) == None )
00106					return "";
00108				if ( TeamInfo(OptionalObject).TeamIndex == 0 )
00109					return RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName@Default.HasRed;
00110				else
00111					return RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName@Default.HasBlue;
00112				break;
00114			// Auto send home.
00115			case 5:
00116				if ( TeamInfo(OptionalObject) == None )
00117					return "";
00119				if ( TeamInfo(OptionalObject).TeamIndex == 0 )
00120					return Default.ReturnedRed;
00121				else
00122					return Default.ReturnedBlue;
00123				break;
00125			// Pickup
00126			case 6:
00127				if (RelatedPRI_1 == None)
00128					return "";
00129				if ( TeamInfo(OptionalObject) == None )
00130					return "";
00132				if ( TeamInfo(OptionalObject).TeamIndex == 0 )
00133					return RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName@Default.HasRed;
00134				else
00135					return RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName@Default.HasBlue;
00136				break;
00137		}
00138		return "";
00139	}
00141	defaultproperties
00142	{
00143	     ReturnBlue="returns the blue flag!"
00144	     ReturnRed="returns the red flag!"
00145	     ReturnedBlue="The blue flag was returned!"
00146	     ReturnedRed="The red flag was returned!"
00147	     CaptureBlue="captured the blue flag!  The red team scores!"
00148	     CaptureRed="captured the red flag!  The blue team scores!"
00149	     DroppedBlue="dropped the blue flag!"
00150	     DroppedRed="dropped the red flag!"
00151	     HasBlue="has the blue flag!"
00152	     HasRed="has the red flag!"
00153	}

End Source Code