We began to arrange the mock therapy session this week to test the UI of both therapist and client. Early this week we initiated some UI tests specifically to examine if the experience flow meets our expectations. UI designer Hui invited several testers and walked through the modified UI system and got some valuable feedback regarding the user expectation of the interface and how we can approach the system from the user perspective. We need more data and evaluation from the user test to assure that we follow the right direction.
Our programmer Thomas has implemented some new art assets into the updated prototype and the result was acceptable. New avatar model was implemented but some values such as height and transparency of the model still require adjustment and some fine tuning. During the usertest with our clients, we demonstrated our teleport function to them and displayed the access therapist has to help patients move around the room. Our clients were thrilled about these functions (especially after they saw the UI overhaul that we did), but they still have some concerns regarding the presentation of teleporting people as it might cause patients frustration when therapists teleport them (as patients do not have access to teleport). Still, Tom expressed that allowing the therapist to walk around the room with a joystick was a massive improvement as this opened up spaces for the therapist to arrange and reorganize the session.
As the week came to an end, we decided to do a mock session with our clients to put our system into the real test field as they are licensed art therapists. However, it took some time for one of the clients to set up as this was her first time using VR, and we did not get the mock session done in time. But we still managed to demonstrated our modified visual design to the clients on Friday and obtained more comments on UI details improvement.
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