Overview >| Interface >| Design >| Technology >|

The Digiboxx kiosk will be the place where customers can go to purchase, download, and manage their music collection. A touch screen interface will allow customers to interact with the kiosk and purchase music.


The customer's experience will be centered around the choice of songs from several types of lists. They can browse the whole library, popular or new songs, or songs that they have already purchased. A look at the possible choices given to a customer:

Flow >| Storyboards >| Implementation >| Ambient >| New Interface


The interface was based on the imagery in urban media and Digiwaxx's previous graphic design. It uses the influences of bright colors, strong images and gestural lines. Here are a few of the interface story boards (click to see a larger version):


Flow >| Storyboards >| Implementation >| Ambient >| New Interface


The interface for the prototype will be implemented using Macromedia Director. This will allow us to rapidly create a working and functional example of the working kiosk.

Flow >| Storyboards >| Implementation >| Ambient >| New Interface


The interface for the prototype will be implemented using Macromedia Director. This will allow us to rapidly create a working and functional example of the working kiosk.


Flow >| Storyboards >| Implementation >| Ambient >| New Interface

Interface (Take 2)

Above: A quick look at the new interface. (Click Image)
Below: Here are some words that we feel will exemplify the new interface.

  • A matrix of information
  • Game console interface meets flash
  • Quick movements / transitions
  • New age
  • Unique
  • Clean
  • Sleek

Here are concepts for icons that would go inside the cubes.
SearchAndBrowse.avi (865 KB)
YourDigiwaxx.avi (958 KB)
QuickBurn.avi (923 KB)
WhatIsTheDigiboxx.avi (1,020 KB)


Click here for a sneak peek of the interface.

Flow >| Storyboards >| Implementation >| Ambient >| New Interface

Updated Wednesday, March12, 2003
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