Breakdown of Scenes
Scene 3

[ Scene 1 :: Scene2 :: Scene3 ]
Space. Within this scene, the guest is in the galaxy. The guest is surrounded by planets and stars. The guest will be able to create stars and the stars will follow them. If they hold onto their lights for too long, the stars will shatter. The background of this scene should be a rotating moving stars background, like the monitor’s screen saver.

Time: Night in the galaxy. Guest will be able to see themselves.
Light detection: - Red light will attract stars that are created by the blue light.
- Blue lights creates stars
- if you hold onto the red light or blue light for too long, the stars will be shattered into particles and a slight explosion will occur.
Motion detection: - The guest can see themselves performing interesting effects in the galaxy. One of the example that the group will be implementing is the “matrix” effect we have.
Character assets: - 2 - 3planets
- Spaceships?
- starry background
- stars
Sounds: - spaceship sounds
- sounds for stars
Ray /Cort - set the blue light create stars
- set the red light attract stars
- set the stars to explode after certain times


- create stars
- create background scenes