Production Process
Project Development

The production of this project includes many procedures.

Brainstorming/ Story Boarding
We began brainstorming idea with what we envisioned our system to be by brainstorming ideas, as well as drawing simple Story Boards.
Character Sketch/Concept Art
After we decided on the concept and the set up of the system, we began our character development, while we develop the effects network and interaction techniques.

Technology design
Our Technology based on two different interaction, a light interaction and a movement interaction. In each of the scenes, they are divided into a red LED and a blue LED detection.
Most of the effects are integrated by a particle system.

Guest Test
We managed to guest test at two different venues, one is at the Children's museum and the other was at the science center. Through both guest testing sections, we gain understanding of how our participants react to our project; we also received valuable suggestions in improving our system.