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Cashman, John R. Hazardous Materials Emergencies Response and Control. Lancaster, PA: Technomic Publishing, 1988.

Cruit, Ronald L., and Cruit, Robert L. Survive The Coming Nuclear War: How to Do It. Briarcliff Manor, NY: Stein and Day, 1982.

Federation of American Scientists. Training Technology against Terror: Using Advanced Technology to Prepare America's Emergency Medical Personnel and First Responders for a Weapon of Mass Destruction Attack. September 9, 2002.

United States General Accounting Office. Chemical and Biological Defense: DOD Needs to Clarify Expectations for Medical Readiness. GAO-02-38. October, 2001.

Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Management Institute. Weapons of Mass Destruction: Biological - Anthrax Scenario: Instructor Guide. Course G 310.05.

Center for Disease Control

International Association of Fire Fighters


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