Core.Object | +--UWindow.UWindowBase | +--UWindow.UWindowWindow | +--UWindow.UWindowClientWindow | +--UWindow.UWindowDialogClientWindow | +--UMenu.UMenuDialogClientWindow | +--UTMenu.ngWorldSecretClient
Close(optional bool)
MessageBoxDone(UWindowMessageBox W, MessageBoxResult Result)
Notify(UWindowDialogControl C, byte E)
Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y)
00001 class ngWorldSecretClient extends UMenuDialogClientWindow; 00002 00003 // Description Labels 00004 var UMenuLabelControl SecretLabel; 00005 var localized string SecretDesc; 00006 00007 // Secret Combo 00008 var UWindowComboControl SecretCombo; 00009 var localized string SecretText; 00010 00011 var UWindowSmallButton OKButton; 00012 var localized string OKText; 00013 00014 var UWindowMessageBox ConfirmChange; 00015 var localized string QuitHelp; 00016 var localized string QuitTitle; 00017 var localized string QuitText; 00018 var localized string EmptyTitle; 00019 var localized string EmptyText; 00020 00021 function Created() 00022 { 00023 local int XOffset, Num; 00024 local int CenterWidth, CenterPos; 00025 00026 CenterWidth = (WinWidth/4)*3; 00027 CenterPos = (WinWidth - CenterWidth)/2; 00028 00029 // Description 00030 XOffset = 20; 00031 SecretLabel = UMenuLabelControl(CreateWindow(class'UMenuLabelControl', CenterPos - 10, XOffset, CenterWidth + 20, 1)); 00032 SecretLabel.SetText(SecretDesc); 00033 00034 // Secret 00035 SecretCombo = UWindowComboControl(CreateControl(class'UWindowComboControl', CenterPos, XOffset + 20, CenterWidth, 1)); 00036 SecretCombo.SetText(SecretText); 00037 //SecretCombo.SetHelpText(SecretHelp); 00038 SecretCombo.SetFont(F_Normal); 00039 SecretCombo.SetEditable(True); 00040 SecretCombo.AddItem(GetPlayerOwner().GetNGSecret()); 00041 SecretCombo.SetSelectedIndex(0); 00042 00043 OKButton = UWindowSmallButton(CreateControl(class'UWindowSmallButton', WinWidth-56, WinHeight-24, 48, 16)); 00044 OKButton.SetText(OKText); 00045 00046 Super.Created(); 00047 } 00048 00049 function Resized() 00050 { 00051 local int CenterWidth, CenterPos; 00052 00053 CenterWidth = (WinWidth/4)*3; 00054 CenterPos = (WinWidth - CenterWidth)/2; 00055 00056 SecretLabel.SetSize(CenterWidth + 60, 1); 00057 SecretLabel.WinLeft = CenterPos - 30; 00058 00059 SecretCombo.SetSize(CenterWidth, 1); 00060 SecretCombo.WinLeft = CenterPos; 00061 SecretCombo.EditBoxWidth = 110; 00062 00063 OKButton.WinLeft = WinWidth-52; 00064 OKButton.WinTop = WinHeight-20; 00065 } 00066 00067 function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) 00068 { 00069 local Texture T; 00070 00071 Super.Paint(C, X, Y); 00072 00073 T = GetLookAndFeelTexture(); 00074 00075 DrawUpBevel( C, 0, WinHeight-22, WinWidth, 22, T); 00076 } 00077 00078 function Notify(UWindowDialogControl C, byte E) 00079 { 00080 Super.Notify(C, E); 00081 00082 switch(E) 00083 { 00084 case DE_Click: 00085 switch (C) 00086 { 00087 case OKButton: 00088 OKPressed(); 00089 break; 00090 } 00091 } 00092 } 00093 00094 function Close(optional bool bByParent) 00095 { 00096 // Store the new secret. 00097 GetPlayerOwner().SetNGSecret(SecretCombo.GetValue()); 00098 GetPlayerOwner().ngSecretSet = True; 00099 GetPlayerOwner().SaveConfig(); 00100 00101 Super.Close(bByParent); 00102 } 00103 00104 function OKPressed() 00105 { 00106 if (SecretCombo.GetValue() == GetPlayerOwner().GetNGSecret()) 00107 Close(); 00108 else if (SecretCombo.GetValue() == "") 00109 ConfirmChange = MessageBox(QuitTitle, EmptyText, MB_YesNo, MR_Yes, MR_No); 00110 else 00111 ConfirmChange = MessageBox(QuitTitle, QuitText, MB_YesNo, MR_Yes, MR_No); 00112 } 00113 00114 function MessageBoxDone(UWindowMessageBox W, MessageBoxResult Result) 00115 { 00116 if(W == ConfirmChange) 00117 { 00118 switch(Result) 00119 { 00120 case MR_Yes: 00121 Close(); 00122 break; 00123 case MR_No: 00124 SecretCombo.SetValue(GetPlayerOwner().GetNGSecret()); 00125 break; 00126 } 00127 } 00128 } 00129 00130 defaultproperties 00131 { 00132 SecretDesc="Pick your own password to keep your online ngWorldStats unique." 00133 SecretText="ngWorldStats Password:" 00134 OKText="OK" 00135 QuitHelp="Select [Yes] to save your new password." 00136 QuitTitle="Confirm Password Change" 00137 QuitText="Warning! If you play with this new password, a new ngWorldStats account will be created for you the next time you join a ngWorldStats game server. Are you sure you want to do this?" 00138 EmptyTitle="Confirm Password Removal" 00139 EmptyText="Note: You have chosen not to have an ngWorldStats password. Your online game statistics will not be accumulated. Are you sure this is what you want?" 00140 }