Class SpeechButton

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\UTMenu\Classes\SpeechButton.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:None

class SpeechButton
extends UTMenu.NotifyButton

 float FadeFactor
 Texture SelectedTexture
 int Type
 bool bHighlightButton

Function Summary
 void Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y)

Source Code

00001	class SpeechButton expands NotifyButton;
00003	var float FadeFactor;
00004	var bool bHighlightButton;
00005	var texture SelectedTexture;
00006	var int Type;
00008	function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y)
00009	{
00010		local float Wx, Hy;
00011		local int W, H;
00012		local color HUDColor;
00014		// Set the color to that of the HUD.
00015		HUDColor.R = 255;
00016		HUDColor.G = 255;
00017		HUDColor.B = 255;
00018		if (GetPlayerOwner().MyHUD.IsA('ChallengeHUD'))
00019		{
00020			if (ChallengeHUD(GetPlayerOwner().MyHUD).Style != 3)
00021				C.Style = 2;
00022			else
00023				C.Style = 3;
00024			if (ChallengeHUD(GetPlayerOwner().MyHUD).bUseTeamColor)
00025			{
00026				if (GetPlayerOwner().MyHUD.IsA('ChallengeTeamHUD'))
00027				{
00028					HUDColor = ChallengeTeamHUD(GetPlayerOwner().MyHUD).TeamColor[GetPlayerOwner().PlayerReplicationInfo.Team];
00029				} else {
00030					HUDColor = ChallengeHUD(GetPlayerOwner().MyHUD).FavoriteHUDColor;
00031				}
00032			} else {
00033				HUDColor = ChallengeHUD(GetPlayerOwner().MyHUD).FavoriteHUDColor;
00034			}
00035			if (ChallengeHUD(GetPlayerOwner().MyHUD).Opacity != 16)
00036			{
00037				HUDColor.R = HUDColor.R * (ChallengeHUD(GetPlayerOwner().MyHUD).Opacity + 0.9);
00038				HUDColor.G = HUDColor.G * (ChallengeHUD(GetPlayerOwner().MyHUD).Opacity + 0.9);
00039				HUDColor.B = HUDColor.B * (ChallengeHUD(GetPlayerOwner().MyHUD).Opacity + 0.9);
00040			} else {
00041				HUDColor.R *= 15.9;
00042				HUDColor.G *= 15.9;
00043				HUDColor.B *= 15.9;
00044			}
00045		}
00046		C.DrawColor = HUDColor;
00047		if (MouseIsOver() && bHighlightButton)
00048		{
00049			C.DrawColor.R = Clamp(C.DrawColor.R + 100, 0, 255);
00050			C.DrawColor.G = Clamp(C.DrawColor.G + 100, 0, 255);
00051			C.DrawColor.B = Clamp(C.DrawColor.B + 100, 0, 255);
00052			TextColor.R = 255;
00053			TextColor.G = 255;
00054			TextColor.B = 0;
00055		} else {
00056			TextColor.R = 255;
00057			TextColor.G = 255;
00058			TextColor.B = 255;
00059		}
00061		Super.Paint(C, X, Y);
00063		W = WinWidth / 4;
00064		H = W;
00066		if(W > 256 || H > 256)
00067		{
00068			W = 256;
00069			H = 256;
00070		}
00072		if (LabelWidth == 0)
00073			LabelWidth = WinWidth;
00075		if (LabelHeight == 0)
00076			LabelHeight = WinHeight;
00078		C.DrawColor = TextColor;
00079		C.DrawColor.R = C.DrawColor.R * FadeFactor;
00080		C.DrawColor.G = C.DrawColor.G * FadeFactor;
00081		C.DrawColor.B = C.DrawColor.B * FadeFactor;
00082		C.Font = MyFont;
00083		TextSize(C, Text, Wx, Hy);
00084		if (bLeftJustify)
00085			ClipText(C, XOffset, 0, Text);
00086		else
00087			ClipText(C, (LabelWidth - Wx)/2, (LabelHeight - Hy)/2, Text);
00088	}
00090	defaultproperties
00091	{
00092	}

End Source Code