Core.Object | +--UWindow.UWindowBase | +--UWindow.UWindowWindow | +--UTMenu.DemoStoryWindow
Close(optional bool)
Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y)
00001 class DemoStoryWindow extends UWindowWindow; 00002 00003 #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MediumU1 FILE=TEXTURES\U1.PCX GROUP=Skins MIPS=OFF FLAGS=2 00004 #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MediumU2 FILE=TEXTURES\U2.PCX GROUP=Skins MIPS=OFF FLAGS=2 00005 #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MediumU3 FILE=TEXTURES\U3.PCX GROUP=Skins MIPS=OFF FLAGS=2 00006 #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MediumU4 FILE=TEXTURES\U4.PCX GROUP=Skins MIPS=OFF FLAGS=2 00007 00008 var() localized string Title; 00009 var() localized string Message[5]; 00010 00011 var float YOffset2; 00012 00013 var float TimeCount; 00014 00015 event Tick(float Delta) 00016 { 00017 Super.Tick(Delta); 00018 00019 YOffset2 -= Delta*20; 00020 } 00021 00022 function Created() 00023 { 00024 local int i; 00025 local int W, H; 00026 local float XWidth, YHeight, XMod, YMod, XPos, YPos; 00027 local color TextColor; 00028 00029 Super.Created(); 00030 00031 Root.SetScale(1); 00032 00033 bLeaveOnScreen = True; 00034 bAlwaysOnTop = True; 00035 class'UTLadder'.Static.SetupWinParams(Self, Root, W, H); 00036 00037 XMod = 4*W; 00038 YMod = 3*H; 00039 00040 YOffset2 = WinHeight; 00041 00042 Root.Console.bBlackout = True; 00043 00044 TimeCount = 0.1; 00045 } 00046 00047 function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) 00048 { 00049 local int XOffset, YOffset; 00050 local int W, H, FontSize, i; 00051 local float XWidth, YHeight, XMod, YMod, XPos, YPos, XL, YL, YL2, XScale, YScale; 00052 local float OldClipX, OldClipY, OldOrgX, OldOrgY; 00053 00054 class'UTLadder'.Static.SetupWinParams(Self, Root, W, H); 00055 00056 XMod = 4*W; 00057 YMod = 3*H; 00058 00059 XOffset = (WinWidth - (4 * W)) / 2; 00060 YOffset = (WinHeight - (3 * H)) / 2; 00061 00062 OldClipX = C.ClipX; 00063 OldClipY = C.ClipY; 00064 OldOrgX = C.OrgX; 00065 OldOrgY = C.OrgY; 00066 00067 // U symbol. 00068 XScale = 256.0/1024 * XMod; 00069 YScale = 256.0/768 * YMod; 00070 00071 DrawStretchedTexture( C, C.ClipX/2 - XScale, C.ClipY/2 - YScale, XScale, YScale, texture'MediumU1' ); 00072 DrawStretchedTexture( C, C.ClipX/2, C.ClipY/2 - YScale, XScale, YScale, texture'MediumU2' ); 00073 DrawStretchedTexture( C, C.ClipX/2 - XScale, C.ClipY/2, XScale, YScale, texture'MediumU3' ); 00074 DrawStretchedTexture( C, C.ClipX/2, C.ClipY/2, XScale, YScale, texture'MediumU4' ); 00075 00076 C.SetClip(WinWidth*2/3, WinHeight); 00077 C.SetOrigin(WinWidth/6, 0); 00078 00079 C.Font = class'FontInfo'.Static.GetStaticBigFont( C.ClipX ); 00080 FontSize = 18; 00081 00082 C.DrawColor.R = 255; 00083 C.DrawColor.G = 255; 00084 C.DrawColor.B = 255; 00085 00086 // Title... 00087 C.StrLen(Title, XL, YL); 00088 C.SetPos((C.ClipX - XL)/2, YOffset2 + YL2); 00089 C.DrawText(Title, False); 00090 YL2 += YL + FontSize; 00091 C.SetPos(0.0, YOffset2 + YL2); 00092 00093 for (i=0; i<5; i++) 00094 { 00095 C.DrawText(Message[i], False); 00096 C.StrLen(Message[i], XL, YL); 00097 YL2 += YL + FontSize*3; 00098 C.SetPos(0.0, YOffset2 + YL2); 00099 } 00100 00101 C.SetClip(OldClipX, OldClipY); 00102 C.SetOrigin(OldOrgX, OldOrgY); 00103 00104 Root.Console.bBlackout = True; 00105 } 00106 00107 function Close(optional bool bByParent) 00108 { 00109 Root.Console.bBlackout = False; 00110 Root.Console.bLocked = False; 00111 Root.Console.bNoDrawWorld = Root.Console.ShowDesktop; 00112 UMenuRootWindow(Root).MenuBar.ShowWindow(); 00113 Super.Close(bByParent); 00114 } 00115 00116 defaultproperties 00117 { 00118 Title="Congratulations!" 00119 Message(0)="Thank you for playing the demo version of Unreal Tournament. So much more is in store for you in the full version of the game. You'll get 50 levels of pure gaming excitement, all the weapons, new game modes and much, much more. For complete information about pricing, availability and the latest news point your web browser to" 00120 Message(2)="This demo is based on a pre-release version of Unreal Tournament and you might experience problems with it. We would sincerely appreciate your help in tracking down bugs. Feel free to report any problems you encountered by sending an email to" 00121 Message(3)="Thanks again for playing the Unreal Tournament demo!" 00122 Message(4)="Press [ESC] to continue." 00123 }