Core.Object | +--UWindow.UWindowBase | +--UWindow.UWindowWindow | +--UWindow.UWindowClientWindow | +--UWindow.UWindowDialogClientWindow | +--UMenu.UMenuDialogClientWindow | +--UMenu.UMenuMapListCW
Notify(UWindowDialogControl C, byte E)
Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y)
00001 class UMenuMapListCW expands UMenuDialogClientWindow; 00002 00003 var UMenuBotmatchClientWindow BotmatchParent; 00004 var UWindowHSplitter Splitter; 00005 00006 var UMenuMapListExclude Exclude; 00007 var UMenuMapListInclude Include; 00008 00009 var UMenuMapListFrameCW FrameExclude; 00010 var UMenuMapListFrameCW FrameInclude; 00011 00012 var UWindowComboControl DefaultCombo; 00013 var localized string DefaultText; 00014 var localized string DefaultHelp; 00015 var localized string CustomText; 00016 00017 var localized string ExcludeCaption; 00018 var localized string ExcludeHelp; 00019 var localized string IncludeCaption; 00020 var localized string IncludeHelp; 00021 00022 var bool bChangingDefault; 00023 00024 function Created() 00025 { 00026 Super.Created(); 00027 00028 BotmatchParent = UMenuBotmatchClientWindow(OwnerWindow); 00029 00030 Splitter = UWindowHSplitter(CreateWindow(class'UWindowHSplitter', 0, 0, WinWidth, WinHeight)); 00031 00032 FrameExclude = UMenuMapListFrameCW(Splitter.CreateWindow(class'UMenuMapListFrameCW', 0, 0, 100, 100)); 00033 FrameInclude = UMenuMapListFrameCW(Splitter.CreateWindow(class'UMenuMapListFrameCW', 0, 0, 100, 100)); 00034 00035 Splitter.LeftClientWindow = FrameExclude; 00036 Splitter.RightClientWindow = FrameInclude; 00037 00038 Exclude = UMenuMapListExclude(CreateWindow(class'UMenuMapListExclude', 0, 0, 100, 100, Self)); 00039 FrameExclude.Frame.SetFrame(Exclude); 00040 Include = UMenuMapListInclude(CreateWindow(class'UMenuMapListInclude', 0, 0, 100, 100, Self)); 00041 FrameInclude.Frame.SetFrame(Include); 00042 00043 Exclude.Register(Self); 00044 Include.Register(Self); 00045 00046 Exclude.SetHelpText(ExcludeHelp); 00047 Include.SetHelpText(IncludeHelp); 00048 00049 Include.DoubleClickList = Exclude; 00050 Exclude.DoubleClickList = Include; 00051 00052 Splitter.bSizable = False; 00053 Splitter.bRightGrow = True; 00054 Splitter.SplitPos = WinWidth/2; 00055 00056 DefaultCombo = UWindowComboControl(CreateControl(class'UWindowComboControl', 10, 2, 200, 1)); 00057 DefaultCombo.SetText(DefaultText); 00058 DefaultCombo.SetHelpText(DefaultHelp); 00059 DefaultCombo.SetFont(F_Normal); 00060 DefaultCombo.SetEditable(False); 00061 DefaultCombo.AddItem(CustomText, ""); 00062 DefaultCombo.SetSelectedIndex(0); 00063 DefaultCombo.EditBoxWidth = 120; 00064 LoadDefaultClasses(); 00065 LoadMapList(); 00066 } 00067 00068 function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) 00069 { 00070 local Texture T; 00071 00072 Super.Paint(C, X, Y); 00073 00074 T = GetLookAndFeelTexture(); 00075 DrawUpBevel( C, 0, 20, WinWidth, 15, T); 00076 00077 C.Font = Root.Fonts[F_Normal]; 00078 C.DrawColor.R = 0; 00079 C.DrawColor.G = 0; 00080 C.DrawColor.B = 0; 00081 00082 ClipText(C, 10, 23, ExcludeCaption, True); 00083 ClipText(C, WinWidth/2 + 10, 23, IncludeCaption, True); 00084 } 00085 00086 function Resized() 00087 { 00088 Super.Resized(); 00089 00090 Splitter.WinTop = 35; 00091 Splitter.SetSize(WinWidth, WinHeight-35); 00092 Splitter.SplitPos = WinWidth/2; 00093 } 00094 00095 function LoadDefaultClasses() 00096 { 00097 local int NumDefaultClasses; 00098 local string DefaultBaseClass; 00099 local string NextDefault, NextDesc; 00100 local int j; 00101 00102 DefaultBaseClass = string(BotmatchParent.GameClass.Default.MapListType); 00103 00104 GetPlayerOwner().GetNextIntDesc(DefaultBaseClass, 0, NextDefault, NextDesc); 00105 while( (NextDefault != "") && (NumDefaultClasses < 50) ) 00106 { 00107 DefaultCombo.AddItem(NextDesc, NextDefault); 00108 NumDefaultClasses++; 00109 GetPlayerOwner().GetNextIntDesc(DefaultBaseClass, NumDefaultClasses, NextDefault, NextDesc); 00110 } 00111 } 00112 00113 function LoadMapList() 00114 { 00115 local string FirstMap, NextMap, TestMap, MapName; 00116 local int i, IncludeCount; 00117 local UMenuMapList L; 00118 00119 Exclude.Items.Clear(); 00120 FirstMap = GetPlayerOwner().GetMapName(BotmatchParent.GameClass.Default.MapPrefix, "", 0); 00121 NextMap = FirstMap; 00122 while (!(FirstMap ~= TestMap)) 00123 { 00124 // Add the map. 00125 if(!(Left(NextMap, Len(NextMap) - 4) ~= (BotmatchParent.GameClass.Default.MapPrefix$"-tutorial"))) 00126 { 00127 L = UMenuMapList(Exclude.Items.Append(class'UMenuMapList')); 00128 L.MapName = NextMap; 00129 if(Right(NextMap, 4) ~= ".unr") 00130 L.DisplayName = Left(NextMap, Len(NextMap) - 4); 00131 else 00132 L.DisplayName = NextMap; 00133 } 00134 00135 NextMap = GetPlayerOwner().GetMapName(BotmatchParent.GameClass.Default.MapPrefix, NextMap, 1); 00136 TestMap = NextMap; 00137 } 00138 00139 // Now load the current maplist into Include, and remove them from Exclude. 00140 Include.Items.Clear(); 00141 IncludeCount = ArrayCount(BotmatchParent.GameClass.Default.MapListType.Default.Maps); 00142 for(i=0;i<IncludeCount;i++) 00143 { 00144 MapName = BotmatchParent.GameClass.Default.MapListType.Default.Maps[i]; 00145 if(MapName == "") 00146 break; 00147 00148 L = UMenuMapList(Exclude.Items).FindMap(MapName); 00149 00150 if(L != None) 00151 { 00152 L.Remove(); 00153 Include.Items.AppendItem(L); 00154 } 00155 else 00156 Log("Unknown map in Map List: "$MapName); 00157 } 00158 00159 Exclude.Sort(); 00160 } 00161 00162 function DefaultComboChanged() 00163 { 00164 local class<MapList> C; 00165 local int i, Count; 00166 00167 if(bChangingDefault) 00168 return; 00169 00170 if(DefaultCombo.GetSelectedIndex() == 0) 00171 return; 00172 00173 bChangingDefault = True; 00174 00175 C = class<MapList>(DynamicLoadObject(DefaultCombo.GetValue2(), class'Class')); 00176 if(C != None) 00177 { 00178 Count = ArrayCount(C.Default.Maps); 00179 for(i=0;i<Count;i++) 00180 BotmatchParent.GameClass.Default.MapListType.Default.Maps[i] = C.Default.Maps[i]; 00181 00182 BotmatchParent.GameClass.Default.MapListType.static.StaticSaveConfig(); 00183 00184 LoadMapList(); 00185 } 00186 00187 bChangingDefault = False; 00188 } 00189 00190 function SaveConfigs() 00191 { 00192 local int i, IncludeCount; 00193 local UMenuMapList L; 00194 00195 Super.SaveConfigs(); 00196 00197 L = UMenuMapList(Include.Items.Next); 00198 00199 IncludeCount = ArrayCount(BotmatchParent.GameClass.Default.MapListType.Default.Maps); 00200 for(i=0;i<IncludeCount;i++) 00201 { 00202 if(L == None) 00203 BotmatchParent.GameClass.Default.MapListType.Default.Maps[i] = ""; 00204 else 00205 { 00206 BotmatchParent.GameClass.Default.MapListType.Default.Maps[i] = L.MapName; 00207 L = UMenuMapList(L.Next); 00208 } 00209 } 00210 00211 BotmatchParent.GameClass.Default.MapListType.static.StaticSaveConfig(); 00212 } 00213 00214 function Notify(UWindowDialogControl C, byte E) 00215 { 00216 Super.Notify(C, E); 00217 00218 switch(E) 00219 { 00220 case DE_Change: 00221 switch(C) 00222 { 00223 case DefaultCombo: 00224 DefaultComboChanged(); 00225 break; 00226 case Exclude: 00227 case Include: 00228 DefaultCombo.SetSelectedIndex(0); 00229 break; 00230 } 00231 break; 00232 } 00233 } 00234 00235 defaultproperties 00236 { 00237 DefaultText="Use Map List: " 00238 DefaultHelp="Choose a default map list to load, or choose Custom and configure the map list by hand." 00239 CustomText="Custom" 00240 ExcludeCaption="Maps Not Cycled" 00241 ExcludeHelp="Click and drag a map to the right hand column to include that map in the map cycle list." 00242 IncludeCaption="Maps Cycled" 00243 IncludeHelp="Click and drag a map to the left hand column to remove it from the map cycle list, or drag it up or down to re-order it in the map cycle list." 00244 }