Core.Object | +--UWindow.UWindowBase | +--UWindow.UWindowWindow | +--UWindow.UWindowClientWindow | +--UWindow.UWindowDialogClientWindow | +--UBrowser.UBrowserIRCSetupClient
BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y)
MessageBoxDone(UWindowMessageBox W, MessageBoxResult Result)
NewIRCServer(string S)
Notify(UWindowDialogControl C, byte E)
Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y)
00001 class UBrowserIRCSetupClient expands UWindowDialogClientWindow; 00002 00003 var UWindowComboControl ServerCombo; 00004 var UWindowComboControl ChannelCombo; 00005 var UWindowSmallButton ConnectButton; 00006 00007 var config string IRCServerHistory[10]; 00008 var config string IRCChannelHistory[10]; 00009 var config bool bHasReadWarning; 00010 00011 var localized string ServerText; 00012 var localized string ChannelText; 00013 var localized string ServerHelp; 00014 var localized string ChannelHelp; 00015 00016 var localized string ConnectText; 00017 var localized string DisconnectText; 00018 var localized string ConnectHelp; 00019 var localized string DisconnectHelp; 00020 00021 var localized string WarningText; 00022 var localized string WarningTitle; 00023 00024 var UWindowMessageBox ConfirmJoin; 00025 var UBrowserIRCSystemPage SystemPage; 00026 00027 function Created() 00028 { 00029 local Color TC; 00030 local int i; 00031 00032 Super.Created(); 00033 00034 SystemPage = UBrowserIRCSystemPage(OwnerWindow); 00035 00036 ServerCombo = UWindowComboControl(CreateControl(class'UWindowComboControl', 10, 5, 250, 1)); 00037 ServerCombo.EditBoxWidth = 160; 00038 ServerCombo.SetText(ServerText); 00039 ServerCombo.SetHelpText(ServerHelp); 00040 ServerCombo.SetFont(F_Normal); 00041 ServerCombo.SetEditable(True); 00042 for (i=0; i<10; i++) 00043 if (IRCServerHistory[i] != "") 00044 ServerCombo.AddItem(IRCServerHistory[i]); 00045 00046 TC.R = 255; 00047 TC.G = 255; 00048 TC.B = 255; 00049 ServerCombo.SetTextColor(TC); 00050 ServerCombo.SetSelectedIndex(0); 00051 00052 ChannelCombo = UWindowComboControl(CreateControl(class'UWindowComboControl', 10, 25, 180, 1)); 00053 ChannelCombo.EditBoxWidth = 90; 00054 ChannelCombo.SetText(ChannelText); 00055 ChannelCombo.SetHelpText(ChannelHelp); 00056 ChannelCombo.SetFont(F_Normal); 00057 ChannelCombo.SetEditable(True); 00058 for (i=0; i<10; i++) 00059 if (IRCChannelHistory[i] != "") 00060 ChannelCombo.AddItem(IRCChannelHistory[i]); 00061 ChannelCombo.SetSelectedIndex(0); 00062 ChannelCombo.SetTextColor(TC); 00063 00064 ConnectButton = UWindowSmallButton(CreateControl(class'UWindowSmallButton', 196, 26, 64, 16)); 00065 ConnectButton.bIgnoreLDoubleclick = True; 00066 } 00067 00068 function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) 00069 { 00070 Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); 00071 00072 if(SystemPage.bConnected) 00073 { 00074 ConnectButton.SetText(DisconnectText); 00075 ConnectButton.SetHelpText(DisconnectHelp); 00076 } 00077 else 00078 { 00079 ConnectButton.SetText(ConnectText); 00080 ConnectButton.SetHelpText(ConnectHelp); 00081 } 00082 00083 ConnectButton.AutoWidth(C); 00084 00085 } 00086 00087 function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) 00088 { 00089 DrawStretchedTexture(C, 0, 0, WinWidth, WinHeight, Texture'BlackTexture'); 00090 } 00091 00092 function DoJoin() 00093 { 00094 SystemPage.Server = ServerCombo.GetValue(); 00095 SystemPage.DefaultChannel = ChannelCombo.GetValue(); 00096 SystemPage.Connect(); 00097 00098 SaveServerCombo(); 00099 SaveChannelCombo(); 00100 SaveConfig(); 00101 } 00102 00103 function MessageBoxDone(UWindowMessageBox W, MessageBoxResult Result) 00104 { 00105 if(W == ConfirmJoin && Result == MR_Yes) 00106 { 00107 bHasReadWarning = True; 00108 DoJoin(); 00109 } 00110 } 00111 00112 function Notify(UWindowDialogControl C, byte E) 00113 { 00114 Super.Notify(C, E); 00115 00116 if(C == ConnectButton && E == DE_Click) 00117 { 00118 if(SystemPage.bConnected) 00119 SystemPage.Disconnect(); 00120 else 00121 { 00122 if(bHasReadWarning) 00123 DoJoin(); 00124 else 00125 ConfirmJoin = MessageBox(WarningTitle, WarningText, MB_YesNo, MR_No); 00126 } 00127 } 00128 00129 if(C == ChannelCombo && E == DE_EnterPressed) 00130 { 00131 SystemPage.JoinChannel(ChannelCombo.GetValue()); 00132 SaveChannelCombo(); 00133 SaveConfig(); 00134 } 00135 } 00136 00137 function NewIRCServer(string S) 00138 { 00139 if(ServerCombo.List.Items.Count() == 1 && ServerCombo.GetValue() != S) 00140 { 00141 Log("Received new IRC server from UpdateServer: "$S); 00142 ServerCombo.Clear(); 00143 ServerCombo.AddItem(S); 00144 ServerCombo.SetSelectedIndex(0); 00145 SaveServerCombo(); 00146 SaveConfig(); 00147 } 00148 } 00149 00150 function SaveServerCombo() 00151 { 00152 local UWindowComboListItem Item; 00153 local int i; 00154 00155 ServerCombo.RemoveItem(ServerCombo.FindItemIndex(ServerCombo.GetValue())); 00156 ServerCombo.InsertItem(ServerCombo.GetValue()); 00157 while(ServerCombo.List.Items.Count() > 10) 00158 ServerCombo.List.Items.Last.Remove(); 00159 00160 Item = UWindowComboListItem(ServerCombo.List.Items.Next); 00161 for (i=0; i<10; i++) 00162 { 00163 if(Item != None) 00164 { 00165 IRCServerHistory[i] = Item.Value; 00166 Item = UWindowComboListItem(Item.Next); 00167 } 00168 else 00169 IRCServerHistory[i] = ""; 00170 } 00171 } 00172 00173 function SaveChannelCombo() 00174 { 00175 local UWindowComboListItem Item; 00176 local int i; 00177 00178 ChannelCombo.RemoveItem(ChannelCombo.FindItemIndex(ChannelCombo.GetValue())); 00179 ChannelCombo.InsertItem(ChannelCombo.GetValue()); 00180 while(ChannelCombo.List.Items.Count() > 10) 00181 ChannelCombo.List.Items.Last.Remove(); 00182 00183 Item = UWindowComboListItem(ChannelCombo.List.Items.Next); 00184 for (i=0; i<10; i++) 00185 { 00186 if(Item != None) 00187 { 00188 IRCChannelHistory[i] = Item.Value; 00189 Item = UWindowComboListItem(Item.Next); 00190 } 00191 else 00192 IRCChannelHistory[i] = ""; 00193 } 00194 } 00195 00196 defaultproperties 00197 { 00198 IRCServerHistory(0)="" 00199 IRCChannelHistory(0)="#utgames" 00200 IRCChannelHistory(1)="#utchat" 00201 IRCChannelHistory(2)="#utmods" 00202 IRCChannelHistory(3)="#utlevels" 00203 IRCChannelHistory(4)="#uthelp" 00204 ServerText="IRC Server" 00205 ChannelText="Default Channel" 00206 ServerHelp="Choose an IRC server from the list or type in your own IRC server name or IP address." 00207 ChannelHelp="Choose a default channel to join once the server has connected, or type in your own channel name." 00208 ConnectText="Connect" 00209 DisconnectText="Logoff" 00210 ConnectHelp="Connect to the IRC chat server." 00211 DisconnectHelp="Disconnect from the IRC chat server." 00212 WarningText="The Chat facility will connect you to the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network.\n\nEpic Games is not responsible for the content of any channels in IRC. You enter these channels at your own risk.\n\nAre you sure you still want to connect?" 00213 WarningTitle="Warning" 00214 }