Class TcpLink

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\IpDrv\Classes\TcpLink.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:UBrowserBufferedTcpLink, WebConnection, WebServer

class TcpLink
extends IpDrv.InternetLink

//============================================================================= // TcpLink: An Internet TCP/IP connection. //=============================================================================
 class AcceptClass
           Contains address of peer connected to from a Listen()
 enum ELinkState
 IpAddr RemoteAddr
           Contains address of peer connected to from a Listen()
 Array SendFIFO
           send fifo

Function Summary
 int BindPort(optional int, optional bool)
// BindPort: Binds a free port or optional port specified in argument one.
 bool Close()
// Close: Closes the current connection.   
 bool IsConnected()
// IsConnected: Returns true if connected.
 bool Listen()
// Listen: Listen for connections.  Can handle up to 5 simultaneous connections.
// Returns false if failed to place socket in listen mode.
 bool Open(IpAddr Addr)
// Open: Open a connection to a foreign host.
 int ReadText(out string)
// ReadText: Reads text string.
// Returns number of bytes read.  
 int SendText(string Str)
// SendText: Sends text string. 
// Appends a cr/lf if LinkMode=MODE_Line.  Returns number of bytes sent.

Source Code

00001	//=============================================================================
00002	// TcpLink: An Internet TCP/IP connection.
00003	//=============================================================================
00004	class TcpLink extends InternetLink
00005		native
00006		transient;
00008	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00009	// Variables.
00011	// LinkState is only valid for TcpLink at this time.
00012	var enum ELinkState
00013	{
00014		STATE_Initialized,		// Sockets is initialized
00015		STATE_Ready,			// Port bound, ready for activity
00016		STATE_Listening,		// Listening for connections
00017		STATE_Connecting,		// Attempting to connect
00018		STATE_Connected,		// Open and connected
00019		STATE_ListenClosePending,// Socket in process of closing
00020		STATE_ConnectClosePending,// Socket in process of closing
00021		STATE_ListenClosing,	// Socket in process of closing
00022		STATE_ConnectClosing	// Socket in process of closing
00023	} LinkState;
00025	var IpAddr	  RemoteAddr;	// Contains address of peer connected to from a Listen()
00027	// If AcceptClass is not None, an actor of class AcceptClass will be spawned when an
00028	// incoming connecting is accepted, leaving the listener open to accept more connections.
00029	// Accepted() is called only in the child class.  You can use the LostChild() and GainedChild()
00030	// events to track your children.
00031	var class<TcpLink> AcceptClass;
00032	var const Array<byte> SendFIFO; // send fifo
00033	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00034	// natives.
00036	// BindPort: Binds a free port or optional port specified in argument one.
00037	native function int BindPort( optional int Port, optional bool bUseNextAvailable );
00039	// Listen: Listen for connections.  Can handle up to 5 simultaneous connections.
00040	// Returns false if failed to place socket in listen mode.
00041	native function bool Listen();
00043	// Open: Open a connection to a foreign host.
00044	native function bool Open( IpAddr Addr );
00046	// Close: Closes the current connection.   
00047	native function bool Close();
00049	// IsConnected: Returns true if connected.
00050	native function bool IsConnected();
00052	// SendText: Sends text string. 
00053	// Appends a cr/lf if LinkMode=MODE_Line.  Returns number of bytes sent.
00054	native function int SendText( coerce string Str );
00056	// SendBinary: Send data as a byte array.
00057	native function int SendBinary( int Count, byte B[255] );
00059	// ReadText: Reads text string.
00060	// Returns number of bytes read.  
00061	native function int ReadText( out string Str );
00063	// ReadBinary: Read data as a byte array.
00064	native function int ReadBinary( int Count, out byte B[255] );
00066	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00067	// Events.
00069	// Accepted: Called during STATE_Listening when a new connection is accepted.
00070	event Accepted();
00072	// Opened: Called when socket successfully connects.
00073	event Opened();
00075	// Closed: Called when Close() completes or the connection is dropped.
00076	event Closed();
00078	// ReceivedText: Called when data is received and connection mode is MODE_Text.
00079	event ReceivedText( string Text );
00081	// ReceivedLine: Called when data is received and connection mode is MODE_Line.
00082	event ReceivedLine( string Line );
00084	// ReceivedBinary: Called when data is received and connection mode is MODE_Binary.
00085	event ReceivedBinary( int Count, byte B[255] );
00087	defaultproperties
00088	{
00089	     bAlwaysTick=True
00090	}

End Source Code