Class InternetLink

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\IpDrv\Classes\InternetLink.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:TcpLink, UdpLink

class InternetLink
extends Engine.InternetInfo

//============================================================================= // InternetLink: Parent class for Internet connection classes //=============================================================================
 int DataPending
 enum ELinkMode
 enum EReceiveMode
 int Port
 int PrivateResolveInfo

Function Summary
 int GetLastError()
// Returns most recent winsock error.
 void GetLocalIP(out IpAddr)
 string IpAddrToString(IpAddr Arg)
// Convert an IP address to a string.
 bool IsDataPending()
// Returns true if data is pending on the socket.
 bool ParseURL(string URL, out string, out int, out string, out string)
// Parses an Unreal URL into its component elements.
// Returns false if the URL was invalid.
 void Resolve(string Domain)
// Resolve a domain or dotted IP.
// Nonblocking operation.  
// Triggers Resolved event if successful.
// Triggers ResolveFailed event if unsuccessful.
 bool StringToIpAddr(string Str, out IpAddr)
// Convert a string to an IP
 string Validate(string ValidationString, string GameName)
// Validate: Takes a challenge string and returns an encoded validation string.

Source Code

00001	//=============================================================================
00002	// InternetLink: Parent class for Internet connection classes
00003	//=============================================================================
00004	class InternetLink extends InternetInfo
00005		native
00006		transient;
00008	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00009	// Types & Variables.
00011	// An IP address.
00012	struct IpAddr
00013	{
00014		var int Addr;
00015		var int Port;
00016	};
00018	// Data receive mode.
00019	// Cannot be set in default properties.
00020	var enum ELinkMode
00021	{
00022		MODE_Text, 
00023		MODE_Line,
00024		MODE_Binary
00025	} LinkMode;
00027	// Internal
00028	var	const int Socket;
00029	var const int Port;
00030	var	const int RemoteSocket;
00031	var private native const int PrivateResolveInfo;
00032	var const int DataPending;
00034	// Receive mode.
00035	// If mode is MODE_Manual, received events will not be called.
00036	// This means it is your responsibility to check the DataPending
00037	// var and receive the data.
00038	// Cannot be set in default properties.
00039	var enum EReceiveMode
00040	{
00041		RMODE_Manual,
00042		RMODE_Event
00043	} ReceiveMode;
00045	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00046	// Natives.
00048	// Returns true if data is pending on the socket.
00049	native function bool IsDataPending();
00051	// Parses an Unreal URL into its component elements.
00052	// Returns false if the URL was invalid.
00053	native function bool ParseURL
00054	(
00055		coerce string URL, 
00056		out string Addr, 
00057		out int Port, 
00058		out string LevelName,
00059		out string EntryName
00060	);
00062	// Resolve a domain or dotted IP.
00063	// Nonblocking operation.  
00064	// Triggers Resolved event if successful.
00065	// Triggers ResolveFailed event if unsuccessful.
00066	native function Resolve( coerce string Domain );
00068	// Returns most recent winsock error.
00069	native function int GetLastError();
00071	// Convert an IP address to a string.
00072	native function string IpAddrToString( IpAddr Arg );
00074	// Convert a string to an IP
00075	native function bool StringToIpAddr( string Str, out IpAddr Addr );
00077	// Validate: Takes a challenge string and returns an encoded validation string.
00078	native function string Validate( string ValidationString, string GameName );
00080	native function GetLocalIP(out IpAddr Arg );
00082	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00083	// Events.
00085	// Called when domain resolution is successful.
00086	// The IpAddr struct Addr contains the valid address.
00087	event Resolved( IpAddr Addr );
00089	// Called when domain resolution fails.
00090	event ResolveFailed();
00092	defaultproperties
00093	{
00094	}

End Source Code