Class InterpolationPoint

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Engine\Classes\InterpolationPoint.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:None

class InterpolationPoint
extends Engine.Keypoint

//============================================================================= // InterpolationPoint. //=============================================================================
 float FovModifier
 float GameSpeedModifier
 Prev, Next
 int Position
 float RateModifier
 vector ScreenFlashFog
 float ScreenFlashScale
 bool bEndOfPath
 bool bSkipNextPath

Function Summary
 void BeginPlay()
// At start of gameplay, link all matching interpolation points together.
 void InterpolateEnd(Actor Other)
// When reach an interpolation point.
 void PostBeginPlay()
// Verify that we're linked up.

Source Code

00001	//=============================================================================
00002	// InterpolationPoint.
00003	//=============================================================================
00004	class InterpolationPoint extends Keypoint
00005		native;
00007	// Sprite.
00008	#exec Texture Import File=Textures\IntrpPnt.pcx Name=S_Interp Mips=Off Flags=2
00010	// Number in sequence sharing this tag.
00011	var() int    Position;
00012	var() float  RateModifier;
00013	var() float  GameSpeedModifier;
00014	var() float  FovModifier;
00015	var() bool   bEndOfPath;
00016	var() bool   bSkipNextPath;
00017	var() float  ScreenFlashScale;
00018	var() vector ScreenFlashFog;
00020	// Other points in this interpolation path.
00021	var InterpolationPoint Prev, Next;
00023	//
00024	// At start of gameplay, link all matching interpolation points together.
00025	//
00026	function BeginPlay()
00027	{
00028		Super.BeginPlay();
00030		// Try to find previous.
00031		foreach AllActors( class 'InterpolationPoint', Prev, Tag )
00032			if( Prev.Position == Position-1 )
00033				break;
00034		if( Prev != None )
00035			Prev.Next = Self;
00037		// Try to find next.
00038		foreach AllActors( class 'InterpolationPoint', Next, Tag )
00039			if( Next.Position == Position+1 )
00040				break;
00041		if( Next == None )
00042			foreach AllActors( class 'InterpolationPoint', Next, Tag )
00043				if( Next.Position == 0 )
00044					break;
00045		if( Next != None )
00046			Next.Prev = Self;
00047	}
00049	//
00050	// Verify that we're linked up.
00051	//
00052	function PostBeginPlay()
00053	{
00054		Super.PostBeginPlay();
00055		//log( "Interpolation point" @ Tag @ Position $ ":" );
00056		//if( Prev != None )
00057		//	log( "   Prev # " $ Prev.Position );
00058		//if( Next != None )
00059		//	log( "   Next # " $ Next.Position );
00060	}
00062	//
00063	// When reach an interpolation point.
00064	//
00065	function InterpolateEnd( actor Other )
00066	{
00067		if( bEndOfPath )	
00068		{
00069			if( Pawn(Other)!=None && Pawn(Other).bIsPlayer )
00070			{
00071				Other.bCollideWorld = True;
00072				Other.bInterpolating = false;
00073				if ( Pawn(Other).Health > 0 )
00074				{
00075					Other.SetCollision(true,true,true);
00076					Other.SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling);
00077					Other.AmbientSound = None;
00078					if ( Other.IsA('PlayerPawn') )
00079						Other.GotoState('PlayerWalking');
00080				}
00081			}
00082		}
00083	}
00085	defaultproperties
00086	{
00087	     RateModifier=1.000000
00088	     GameSpeedModifier=1.000000
00089	     FovModifier=1.000000
00090	     ScreenFlashScale=1.000000
00091	     bStatic=False
00092	     bDirectional=True
00093	     Texture=Texture'Engine.S_Interp'
00094	}

End Source Code