Class AmbushPoint

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Engine\Classes\Ambushpoint.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:DefensePoint

class AmbushPoint
extends Engine.NavigationPoint

//============================================================================= // Ambushpoint. //=============================================================================
 float SightRadius
           How far bot at this point should look for enemies
 bool bSniping
           bots should snipe from this position
 vector lookdir
           direction to look while ambushing
 byte survivecount
           used when picking ambushpoint

Function Summary
 void PreBeginPlay()

Source Code

00001	//=============================================================================
00002	// Ambushpoint.
00003	//=============================================================================
00004	class AmbushPoint extends NavigationPoint;
00006	var vector lookdir; //direction to look while ambushing
00007	//at start, ambushing creatures will pick either their current location, or the location of
00008	//some ambushpoint belonging to their team
00009	var byte survivecount; //used when picking ambushpoint 
00010	var() float SightRadius; // How far bot at this point should look for enemies
00011	var() bool	bSniping;	// bots should snipe from this position
00013	function PreBeginPlay()
00014	{
00015		lookdir = 2000 * vector(Rotation);
00017		Super.PreBeginPlay();
00018	}
00020	defaultproperties
00021	{
00022	     SightRadius=5000.000000
00023	     bDirectional=True
00024	     SoundVolume=128
00025	}

End Source Code