Class RainPuddle

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\CortTest\Classes\RainPuddle.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:None

class RainPuddle
extends Engine.Effects

//=========================================== // RainPuddle. // Most of the code here is copied from the RingExplosion // code, basically I just changed the DrawScale to a smaller // value, I do not take any credit for this outside of that, // its makes a very nice effect. //===========================================
 bool bSpawnOnce

Function Summary

Source Code

00001	//===========================================
00002	// RainPuddle.
00003	// Most of the code here is copied from the RingExplosion
00004	// code, basically I just changed the DrawScale to a smaller
00005	// value, I do not take any credit for this outside of that,
00006	// its makes a very nice effect.
00007	//===========================================
00008	class RainPuddle expands Effects;
00009	var bool bSpawnOnce;
00010	simulated function Timer()
00011	{
00012	  local WaterRing r;
00013	  if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
00014	  {
00015	    r = Spawn(class'WaterRing',,,,rot(16384,0,0));
00016	    r.DrawScale = 0.02;
00017	    r.RemoteRole = ROLE_None;
00018	  }
00019	  else
00020	    Destroy();
00021	  if (bSpawnOnce) Destroy();
00022	  bSpawnOnce=True;
00023	}
00024	simulated function PostBeginPlay()
00025	{
00026	  SetTimer(0.3,True);
00027	}

End Source Code