class RainGen
extends Engine.Effects//=================================================
// RainGen.
// author: c0mpi1e(Carlos Cuello)
// Total Time So Far: 20 hrs.
// legal: Everything in this class is 100% original and is the
// property of me. It was originally
// produced for the USCM:Infestation TC, and any revisions
// to this mod will be used in that. This is the final
// version that I will release to the public. You may use
// this in any map and release it as part of any map you
// create as long as you give me full credit. If you need
// anything added in particular you can email me and I'll see
// what I can do.
// This is basically what controls the Rain and is the only thing you
// will have to work with. I wanted to keep this something that anyone
// can use, tried to keep it very configurable and tried to make
// everything be handled from UnrealEd. So for all you map makers,
// simply add as many raingen's to the ceiling of the sky where you want
// it to fall from. The RainGen delivers a limited range of raindrops, so
// do not expect one raingen to create a monsoon. To change the various
// settings for the rain, select all the RainGens in your map and click
// on the properties dialog box, then click on the several Rain propety
// menu's that appear(Rain_Behaviour, Rain_Looks, Rain_Sounds). The
// intensity variable should be kept between 0 and 5 or so to keep
// rendering speed good. DropSpeed should be negative for faster rain,
// and positive for slower rain, however beware that a positive integer
// greater than 100 or so will cause the raindrops to go up and hit the
// ceiling.
// Note: For this release, lightning is not working, if you absolutley
// need it, then email me and I'll see what I can do.