Core.Object | +--Engine.Actor | +--Engine.Effects | +--CortTest.RainDrops
HitWall(vector HitNormal, Actor HitWall)
// When a drop hits a wall or lands on the ground then create // a small rain puddle effect
Landed(vector HitNormal)
// Same for Landed
00001 //============================================ 00002 // RainDrops 00003 //============================================ 00004 class RainDrops expands Effects; 00005 var effects d; 00006 function PreBeginPlay() 00007 { 00008 Super.PostBeginPlay(); 00009 // Make the rain actually fall :) 00010 SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); 00011 } 00012 // When a drop hits a wall or lands on the ground then create 00013 // a small rain puddle effect 00014 function HitWall( vector HitNormal, actor HitWall ) 00015 { 00016 Super.HitWall(HitNormal, HitWall); 00017 // 60% chance that there will be a puddle left on the ground 00018 // do this to keep performance up 00019 if (Frand() < 0.8) 00020 Spawn(class'RainPuddle',,,Location); 00021 Destroy(); 00022 } 00023 // Same for Landed 00024 function Landed(vector HitNormal) 00025 { 00026 Super.Landed(HitNormal); 00027 if (Frand() < 0.8) 00028 Spawn(class'RainPuddle',,,Location); 00029 Destroy(); 00030 } 00031 00032 defaultproperties 00033 { 00034 DrawType=DT_Sprite 00035 Style=STY_Translucent 00036 }