Core.Object | +--Engine.Actor | +--Engine.Effects | +--Botpack.SuperShockBeam
Tick(float DeltaTime)
00001 //============================================================================= 00002 // SuperShockBeam. 00003 //============================================================================= 00004 class SuperShockBeam extends Effects; 00005 00006 #exec MESH IMPORT MESH=SShockbm ANIVFILE=MODELS\asmdeffect_a.3D DATAFILE=MODELS\asmdeffect_d.3D X=0 Y=0 Z=0 00007 #exec MESH ORIGIN MESH=SShockbm X=0 Y=-400 Z=0 YAW=-64 00008 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=SShockbm SEQ=All STARTFRAME=0 NUMFRAMES=1 00009 #exec MESHMAP SCALE MESHMAP=SShockbm X=0.09 Y=0.21 Z=0.18 YAW=128 00010 #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=jenergy3 FILE=MODELS\energy3.pcx GROUP=Effects 00011 #exec MESHMAP SETTEXTURE MESHMAP=SShockbm NUM=1 TEXTURE=jenergy3 00012 00013 var vector MoveAmount; 00014 var int NumPuffs; 00015 00016 replication 00017 { 00018 // Things the server should send to the client. 00019 unreliable if( Role==ROLE_Authority ) 00020 MoveAmount, NumPuffs; 00021 } 00022 00023 simulated function Tick( float DeltaTime ) 00024 { 00025 if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) 00026 { 00027 ScaleGlow = (Lifespan/Default.Lifespan)*1.0; 00028 AmbientGlow = ScaleGlow * 210; 00029 } 00030 } 00031 00032 00033 simulated function PostBeginPlay() 00034 { 00035 if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) 00036 SetTimer(0.05, false); 00037 } 00038 00039 simulated function Timer() 00040 { 00041 local SuperShockBeam r; 00042 00043 if (NumPuffs>0) 00044 { 00045 r = Spawn(class'SuperShockbeam',,,Location+MoveAmount); 00046 r.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; 00047 r.NumPuffs = NumPuffs -1; 00048 r.MoveAmount = MoveAmount; 00049 } 00050 } 00051 00052 defaultproperties 00053 { 00054 Physics=PHYS_Rotating 00055 RemoteRole=ROLE_SimulatedProxy 00056 LifeSpan=0.270000 00057 Rotation=(Roll=20000) 00058 DrawType=DT_Mesh 00059 Style=STY_Translucent 00060 Texture=Texture'Botpack.Effects.jenergy3' 00061 Mesh=LodMesh'Botpack.SShockbm' 00062 DrawScale=0.440000 00063 bUnlit=True 00064 bParticles=True 00065 bFixedRotationDir=True 00066 RotationRate=(Roll=1000000) 00067 DesiredRotation=(Roll=20000) 00068 }