Class RatedMatchDMDemo1

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Botpack\Classes\RatedMatchDMDemo1.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:None

class RatedMatchDMDemo1
extends Botpack.RatedMatchInfo

Source Code

00001	class RatedMatchDMDemo1 extends RatedMatchInfo;
00003	defaultproperties
00004	{
00005	     NumBots=4
00006	     BotNames(0)="Slasher"
00007	     BotNames(1)="Botanika"
00008	     BotNames(2)="Kregore"
00009	     BotNames(3)="Skirge"
00010	     BotClassifications(0)="Criminal"
00011	     BotClassifications(1)="Criminal"
00012	     BotClassifications(2)="Veteran Soldier"
00013	     BotClassifications(3)="Psychotic"
00014	     BotTeams(0)=255
00015	     BotTeams(1)=255
00016	     BotTeams(2)=1
00017	     BotClasses(0)="Botpack.TMale2Bot"
00018	     BotClasses(1)="Botpack.TMale2Bot"
00019	     BotClasses(2)="Botpack.TMale2Bot"
00020	     BotClasses(3)="Botpack.TMale2Bot"
00021	     BotSkins(0)="SoldierSkins.RawS"
00022	     BotSkins(1)="SoldierSkins.blkt"
00023	     BotSkins(2)="SoldierSkins.RawS"
00024	     BotSkins(3)="SoldierSkins.blkt"
00025	     BotFaces(0)="SoldierSkins.Slain"
00026	     BotFaces(1)="SoldierSkins.Othello"
00027	     BotFaces(2)="SoldierSkins.Kregore"
00028	     BotFaces(3)="SoldierSkins.Malcom"
00029	     Bio(0)="Real name unknown, the Slasher is a notorious gang leader. Captured during a skirmish south of Reconstructed New York, there was no question to his participation in the Tournament."
00030	     Bio(1)="Rather than face execution at the hands of the Mars Prison Tribunal, Botanika chose to fight in the Tournament. With more than 11 brutal murders to his name, Botanika should have no problem adapting to arena combat."
00031	     Bio(2)="Kregore fought with the 47th Mechanized Imperial during the First Necris Invasion. He is a distinguished veteran of modern military operations. Although his skills tend toward the tactical, he is, nonetheless, an excellent hand to hand fighter."
00032	     Bio(3)="Skirge is a ruthless murderer and he wouldn't want it any other way. This guy has his wires crossed...deriving pleasure from pain and vice versa. Probably the nastiest mother you'll ever meet."
00033	}

End Source Code