Class RatedMatchDM5

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Botpack\Classes\RatedMatchDM5.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:None

class RatedMatchDM5
extends Botpack.RatedMatchInfo

Source Code

00001	class RatedMatchDM5 extends RatedMatchInfo;
00003	defaultproperties
00004	{
00005	     NumBots=3
00006	     ModifiedDifficulty=0.500000
00007	     BotNames(0)="Arkoth 24"
00008	     BotNames(1)="Visse"
00009	     BotNames(2)="Kragoth"
00010	     BotClassifications(0)="Psychotic"
00011	     BotClassifications(1)="Necris Blademaiden"
00012	     BotClassifications(2)="Necris Phayder"
00013	     BotTeams(1)=255
00014	     BotTeams(2)=255
00015	     BotAccuracy(2)=0.500000
00016	     CombatStyle(0)=0.600000
00017	     FavoriteWeapon(0)="Botpack.UT_FlakCannon"
00018	     FavoriteWeapon(2)="Botpack.Minigun2"
00019	     BotClasses(0)="Botpack.TMale2Bot"
00020	     BotClasses(1)="Botpack.TFemale1Bot"
00021	     BotClasses(2)="Botpack.TMale1Bot"
00022	     BotSkins(0)="SoldierSkins.Gard"
00023	     BotSkins(1)="FCommandoSkins.goth"
00024	     BotSkins(2)="CommandoSkins.goth"
00025	     BotFaces(0)="SoldierSkins.Drake"
00026	     BotFaces(1)="FCommandoSkins.visse"
00027	     BotFaces(2)="Kragoth"
00028	     Bio(0)="Arkoth's history is irrelevant, his memories lost during Liandri conditioning. Now a member of 'The Corrupt,' he serves Xan Kriegor's will without question."
00029	     Bio(1)="Many Necris warriors are female. Known as 'Blademaiden,' they fight ruthlessly; favoring cruelly formed bayonets and energy swords. Visse is a Necris prisoner of war made to fight in the Tournament in exchange for her life."
00030	     Bio(2)="Also of the Necris, Kragoth is a known member of the 'Phayder' secret society. A brood of assassins and doomsday cultists, the Phayder have declared a sort of guerilla war against Earth."
00031	}

End Source Code