Week 11
Apr. 12 – Apr. 16
We entered week 11 with our prototype ready for the desktop. Now our focus shifted to implementing the overview section for the mobile version. Due to the small size of a mobile screen, it was a challenge to display all the HistoryMakers in the overview subsets and so we decided the user could only view up till the pie chart visualization on the phone. Adding HistoryMakers subset view in the overview section for mobile became one of our stretch goals to be considered in week 13.
This week we also worked on the responsive design for various screen resolutions, implemented and tested them.

Upon our playtests we realized the need to add a map of the USA in the help section showing different states.

We also realized people were having a hard time noticing that the overview tab and that our button titles were not suggestive enough and so we iterated and renamed Overview to Explore and Digital Archive to Learn More.
Upon more feedback from the project instructors, we changed our threshold to enter the overview from 20 to 5. We tried different ways to visualize small sets in overview.

Client– At this weeks clients meeting, we presented the desktop v0.8 and received positive feedback from our client with few suggestions to improve the UI. We also discussed the US Census map our clients preferred to use to indicate the states.
Next Steps– Our next steps were to implement the small set data visualization to overview for the desktop version and the complete overview section for the mobile version. To get more feedback on the UI, we set up with a meeting with ETC’s professional typo-graphist faculty member.