Connectivity: Joining Spaces

One of our prime directives for this project was to "join" the Doherty ETC lab space with the new ETC space in the Pittsburgh Technology Center. Since none of the ETC project groups are split between the two spaces, this issue played out primarily in the social realm. ETCers could no longer simply "wander down the hallway" to find out what's going on, and impromptu social events were almost unheard of.

With the ETC space combining so as to solely live at the PTC next year these problems have been largely alleviated. Which is for the best.

Results of our experiments:
  • The Live Link System worked quite well in the beginning, but then interest started to fall off. People using the lounges tended to turn the speakers of the LiveLink machine off which then rendered remote users unable to communicate. Also, the unstable nature of the system's software led to a general feeling of "it probably doesn't work anyway." Slowly, like the tandem bicycle, the Live Link system faded into obscurity and now can only be seen being used infrequently.
  • The use of a GPS system in the shuttle was denied by the CMU police department.
  • The reliability of the shuttle service improved on its own (with a new driver)
  • Messy Board met with mixed success in the ETC community

One of our surveys about getting to the PTC showed the above results. Of the 24 ETC students at the PTC, 15 of them drive their own cars there. How this will change next year is anybody's guess.