Core.Object | +--Engine.Actor | +--Engine.Pawn | +--UnrealShare.ScriptedPawn | +--UnrealI.Warlord
Died(Pawn Killer, name damageType, vector HitLocation)
PlayDying(name DamageType, vector HitLocation)
PlayLanded(float impactVel)
PlayTakeHit(float tweentime, vector HitLoc, int damage)
TryToDuck(vector duckDir, bool bReversed)
TweenToFighter(float tweentime)
TweenToPatrolStop(float tweentime)
TweenToRunning(float tweentime)
TweenToWaiting(float tweentime)
TweenToWalking(float tweentime)
Landed(vector HitNormal)
Bump(Actor Other)
TakeDamage(int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, Vector momentum, name damageType)
Tick(float DeltaTime)
HitWall(vector HitNormal, Actor Wall)
00001 //============================================================================= 00002 // Warlord. 00003 //============================================================================= 00004 class Warlord extends ScriptedPawn; 00005 00006 #exec MESH IMPORT MESH=WarlordM ANIVFILE=MODELS\warlor_a.3D DATAFILE=MODELS\warlor_d.3D LODSTYLE=2 00007 #exec MESH ORIGIN MESH=WarlordM X=0 Y=-300 Z=0 YAW=64 Roll=-64 00008 00009 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=All STARTFRAME=0 NUMFRAMES=492 00010 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Breath STARTFRAME=0 NUMFRAMES=8 RATE=6 00011 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Dead1 STARTFRAME=8 NUMFRAMES=26 RATE=15 00012 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=TakeHit STARTFRAME=8 NUMFRAMES=1 00013 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Fire STARTFRAME=34 NUMFRAMES=15 RATE=15 Group=Attack 00014 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Fighter STARTFRAME=34 NUMFRAMES=1 00015 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Fly STARTFRAME=49 NUMFRAMES=15 RATE=15 00016 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=FlyFire STARTFRAME=64 NUMFRAMES=15 RATE=15 Group=MovingAttack 00017 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Land STARTFRAME=79 NUMFRAMES=15 RATE=15 00018 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Run STARTFRAME=94 NUMFRAMES=10 RATE=15 00019 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Strike STARTFRAME=104 NUMFRAMES=15 RATE=15 Group=Attack 00020 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=TakeOff STARTFRAME=119 NUMFRAMES=10 RATE=15 00021 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Twirl STARTFRAME=129 NUMFRAMES=40 00022 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Walk STARTFRAME=169 NUMFRAMES=15 RATE=18 00023 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=WalkFire STARTFRAME=184 NUMFRAMES=15 RATE=18 Group=MovingAttack 00024 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Appear STARTFRAME=199 NUMFRAMES=11 00025 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=FDodgeUp STARTFRAME=210 NUMFRAMES=18 RATE=15 Group=Dodge 00026 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=FDodgeL STARTFRAME=228 NUMFRAMES=15 RATE=15 Group=Dodge 00027 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=FDodgeR STARTFRAME=243 NUMFRAMES=15 RATE=15 Group=Dodge 00028 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=GKick1 STARTFRAME=258 NUMFRAMES=15 RATE=15 00029 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=GKick2 STARTFRAME=273 NUMFRAMES=15 RATE=15 00030 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=GPunch1 STARTFRAME=288 NUMFRAMES=15 RATE=15 00031 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=GPunch2 STARTFRAME=303 NUMFRAMES=15 RATE=15 00032 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Grab STARTFRAME=318 NUMFRAMES=18 RATE=15 00033 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Laugh STARTFRAME=336 NUMFRAMES=33 RATE=15 00034 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Munch STARTFRAME=369 NUMFRAMES=20 RATE=15 00035 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Point STARTFRAME=389 NUMFRAMES=28 RATE=15 00036 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Teleport STARTFRAME=417 NUMFRAMES=21 RATE=15 00037 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Dead2A STARTFRAME=438 NUMFRAMES=10 RATE=15 00038 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Fall STARTFRAME=448 NUMFRAMES=10 RATE=15 00039 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=warlordM SEQ=Dead2B STARTFRAME=458 NUMFRAMES=34 RATE=15 00040 00041 #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=JWarlord1 FILE=MODELS\warlord.PCX GROUP=Skins FLAGS=2 00042 #exec MESHMAP SCALE MESHMAP=WarlordM X=0.17 Y=0.17 Z=0.34 00043 #exec MESHMAP SETTEXTURE MESHMAP=warlordM NUM=1 TEXTURE=Jwarlord1 00044 00045 #exec MESH NOTIFY MESH=WarlordM SEQ=Dead1 TIME=0.78 FUNCTION=LandThump 00046 #exec MESH NOTIFY MESH=WarlordM SEQ=Fly TIME=0.1 FUNCTION=Flap 00047 #exec MESH NOTIFY MESH=WarlordM SEQ=FlyFire TIME=0.1 FUNCTION=Flap 00048 #exec MESH NOTIFY MESH=WarlordM SEQ=TakeOff TIME=0.1 FUNCTION=Flap 00049 #exec MESH NOTIFY MESH=WarlordM SEQ=Run TIME=0.25 FUNCTION=Step 00050 #exec MESH NOTIFY MESH=WarlordM SEQ=Run TIME=0.75 FUNCTION=Step 00051 #exec MESH NOTIFY MESH=WarlordM SEQ=Walk TIME=0.33 FUNCTION=Step 00052 #exec MESH NOTIFY MESH=WarlordM SEQ=Walk TIME=0.83 FUNCTION=Step 00053 #exec MESH NOTIFY MESH=WarlordM SEQ=WalkFire TIME=0.33 FUNCTION=Step 00054 #exec MESH NOTIFY MESH=WarlordM SEQ=WalkFire TIME=0.83 FUNCTION=Step 00055 00056 #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\WarLord\injur1W.WAV" NAME="injur1WL" GROUP="WarLord" 00057 #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\WarLord\injur2W.WAV" NAME="injur2WL" GROUP="WarLord" 00058 #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\WarLord\aquire1W.WAV" NAME="acquire1WL" GROUP="WarLord" 00059 #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\WarLord\DCry1W.WAV" NAME="DeathCry1WL" GROUP="WarLord" 00060 #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\WarLord\fly1W.WAV" NAME="fly1WL" GROUP="WarLord" 00061 #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\WarLord\roam1W.WAV" NAME="roam1WL" GROUP="WarLord" 00062 #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\WarLord\threat1W.WAV" NAME="threat1WL" GROUP="WarLord" 00063 #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\WarLord\breath1.WAV" NAME="breath1WL" GROUP="WarLord" 00064 #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\Titan\step1a.WAV" NAME="step1t" GROUP="Titan" 00065 #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\WarLord\laugh3b.WAV" NAME="laugh1WL" GROUP="WarLord" 00066 #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="..\UnrealShare\Sounds\Generic\teleprt28.WAV" NAME="Teleport2" GROUP="Generic" 00067 00068 //FIXME - use TakeOff animation (maybe for falling start) 00069 00070 var() byte StrikeDamage; 00071 var() bool bTeleportWhenHurt; 00072 var float LastDuckTime; 00073 00074 function PreSetMovement() 00075 { 00076 bCanJump = true; 00077 bCanWalk = true; 00078 bCanSwim = false; 00079 bCanFly = true; 00080 MinHitWall = -0.6; 00081 bCanOpenDoors = true; 00082 bCanDoSpecial = true; 00083 bCanDuck = true; 00084 } 00085 00086 function Died(pawn Killer, name damageType, vector HitLocation) 00087 { 00088 if ( bTeleportWhenHurt ) 00089 { 00090 Health = 1000; 00091 PlayAnim('Teleport'); 00092 GotoState('Teleporting'); 00093 } 00094 else 00095 Super.Died(Killer, damageType, HitLocation); 00096 } 00097 00098 function TryToDuck(vector duckDir, bool bReversed) 00099 { 00100 local vector HitLocation, HitNormal, Extent; 00101 local bool duckLeft, bSuccess; 00102 local actor HitActor; 00103 local float decision; 00104 00105 //log("duck"); 00106 if ( Level.TimeSeconds - LastDuckTime < 0.6 - 0.1 * skill ) 00107 return; 00108 00109 duckLeft = !bReversed; 00110 00111 Extent.X = CollisionRadius; 00112 Extent.Y = CollisionRadius; 00113 Extent.Z = CollisionHeight; 00114 00115 if ( (Physics != PHYS_Flying) && (FRand() < 0.4) ) // try to duck up 00116 { 00117 HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, Location + vect(0,0,300), Location, false, Extent); 00118 if ( HitActor == None ) 00119 { 00120 if ( FRand() < 0.7 ) 00121 PlayAnim('Fly', 1.6, 0.1); 00122 else 00123 PlayAnim('FDodgeUp'); 00124 SetPhysics(PHYS_Flying); 00125 Destination = Location + vect(0,0,300); 00126 Velocity = AirSpeed * vect(0,0,1); 00127 LastDuckTime = Level.TimeSeconds; 00128 GotoState('TacticalMove', 'DoMove'); 00129 return; 00130 } 00131 } 00132 00133 HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, Location + 200 * duckDir, Location, false, Extent); 00134 bSuccess = ( HitActor == None ); 00135 if ( !bSuccess ) 00136 { 00137 duckLeft = !duckLeft; 00138 duckDir *= -1; 00139 HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, Location + 200 * duckDir, Location, false, Extent); 00140 bSuccess = ( HitActor == None ); 00141 } 00142 if ( !bSuccess ) 00143 return; 00144 00145 LastDuckTime = Level.TimeSeconds; 00146 if ( FRand() < 0.7 ) 00147 PlayAnim('Fly', 1.6, 0.1); 00148 else if ( duckLeft ) 00149 PlayAnim('FDodgeL'); 00150 else 00151 PlayAnim('FDodgeR'); 00152 00153 SetPhysics(PHYS_Flying); 00154 Destination = Location + 200 * duckDir; 00155 Velocity = AirSpeed * duckDir; 00156 GotoState('TacticalMove', 'DoMove'); 00157 } 00158 00159 event Landed(vector HitNormal) 00160 { 00161 SetPhysics(PHYS_Walking); 00162 if ( !IsAnimating() ) 00163 PlayLanded(Velocity.Z); 00164 if (Velocity.Z < -1.4 * JumpZ) 00165 MakeNoise(-0.5 * Velocity.Z/(FMax(JumpZ, 150.0))); 00166 bJustLanded = true; 00167 } 00168 00169 function Step() 00170 { 00171 PlaySound(sound'step1t', SLOT_Interact); 00172 } 00173 00174 function Flap() 00175 { 00176 PlaySound(sound'fly1WL', SLOT_Interact); 00177 } 00178 00179 function SetMovementPhysics() 00180 { 00181 if (Enemy != None) 00182 { 00183 if (Physics == PHYS_None) 00184 SetPhysics(PHYS_Walking); 00185 else if ( Region.Zone.bWaterZone || (Physics != PHYS_Walking) ) 00186 SetPhysics(PHYS_Flying); 00187 } 00188 else if (Physics != PHYS_Falling) 00189 SetPhysics(PHYS_Walking); 00190 } 00191 00192 singular function Falling() 00193 { 00194 SetPhysics(PHYS_Flying); 00195 } 00196 00197 function PlayWaiting() 00198 { 00199 local float decision; 00200 00201 if (AnimSequence == 'Land') 00202 { 00203 TweenAnim('Breath', 0.3); 00204 return; 00205 } 00206 00207 PlaySound(sound'breath1WL', SLOT_Interact); 00208 if (FRand() < 0.9) 00209 LoopAnim('Breath', 0.2 + 0.7 * FRand()); 00210 else 00211 LoopAnim('Twirl', 0.5 + 0.5 * FRand()); 00212 } 00213 00214 function PlayPatrolStop() 00215 { 00216 if (Physics == PHYS_Flying) 00217 LoopAnim('Fly', 0.7); 00218 else 00219 PlayWaiting(); 00220 } 00221 00222 function PlayWaitingAmbush() 00223 { 00224 PlayWaiting(); 00225 } 00226 00227 function PlayChallenge() 00228 { 00229 if (Physics == PHYS_Flying) 00230 PlayAnim('Fly', 0.7, 0.1); 00231 else if ( FRand() < 0.5 ) 00232 { 00233 PlaySound(sound'laugh1WL', SLOT_Talk); 00234 PlayAnim('Laugh', 0.7, 0.1); 00235 } 00236 else 00237 PlayAnim('Point', 0.7, 0.1); 00238 } 00239 00240 function TweenToFighter(float tweentime) 00241 { 00242 if (Physics == PHYS_Flying) 00243 TweenAnim('Fly', tweentime); 00244 else 00245 TweenAnim('Fighter', tweentime); 00246 } 00247 00248 function TweenToRunning(float tweentime) 00249 { 00250 if ( IsAnimating() && ((AnimSequence == 'WalkFire') || (AnimSequence == 'FlyFire')) ) 00251 return; 00252 if (Physics == PHYS_Flying) 00253 { 00254 if ( (GetAnimGroup(AnimSequence) != 'Dodge') && ((AnimSequence != 'Fly') || !bAnimLoop) ) 00255 TweenAnim('Fly', tweentime); 00256 } 00257 else if ( (AnimSequence != 'Run') || !bAnimLoop ) 00258 TweenAnim('Run', tweentime); 00259 00260 } 00261 00262 function TweenToWalking(float tweentime) 00263 { 00264 if (Physics == PHYS_Flying) 00265 TweenAnim('Fly', tweentime); 00266 else 00267 TweenAnim('Walk', tweentime); 00268 } 00269 00270 function TweenToWaiting(float tweentime) 00271 { 00272 PlayAnim('Land', 0.2 + 0.8 * FRand()); 00273 SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); 00274 } 00275 00276 function TweenToPatrolStop(float tweentime) 00277 { 00278 if (Physics == PHYS_Flying) 00279 { 00280 if (FRand() < 0.3) 00281 { 00282 SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); 00283 PlayAnim('Land', 0.7); 00284 } 00285 else 00286 TweenAnim('Fly', tweentime); 00287 } 00288 else 00289 TweenAnim('Breath', tweentime); 00290 00291 } 00292 00293 function PlayRunning() 00294 { 00295 if (Physics == PHYS_Walking) 00296 LoopAnim('Run', -1.0/GroundSpeed,, 0.4); 00297 else 00298 LoopAnim('Fly', -1.0/AirSpeed,, 0.4); 00299 } 00300 00301 function PlayWalking() 00302 { 00303 if (Physics == PHYS_Walking) 00304 LoopAnim('Walk', -1.4/GroundSpeed,, 0.4); 00305 else 00306 LoopAnim('Fly', -1.7/AirSpeed,, 0.4); 00307 } 00308 00309 function PlayThreatening() 00310 { 00311 if (Physics == PHYS_Walking) 00312 TweenAnim('Fighter', 0.3); 00313 else 00314 LoopAnim('Fly', 0.6); 00315 } 00316 00317 function PlayTurning() 00318 { 00319 if (Physics == PHYS_Walking) 00320 TweenAnim('Walk', 0.3); 00321 else 00322 LoopAnim('Fly'); 00323 } 00324 00325 function PlayDying(name DamageType, vector HitLocation) 00326 { 00327 PlaySound(Die, SLOT_Talk); 00328 if ( Physics == PHYS_Flying ) 00329 PlayAnim('Dead2A', 0.7, 0.12); 00330 else 00331 PlayAnim('Dead1', 0.7, 0.12); 00332 } 00333 00334 function PlayTakeHit(float tweentime, vector HitLoc, int damage) 00335 { 00336 TweenAnim('TakeHit', tweentime); 00337 } 00338 00339 function TweenToFalling() 00340 { 00341 TweenAnim('Fly', 0.2); 00342 } 00343 00344 function PlayInAir() 00345 { 00346 LoopAnim('Fly'); 00347 } 00348 00349 function PlayLanded(float impactVel) 00350 { 00351 PlayAnim('Land'); 00352 } 00353 00354 function PlayVictoryDance() 00355 { 00356 PlayAnim('Strike', 0.6, 0.1); 00357 } 00358 00359 function PlayMeleeAttack() 00360 { 00361 if (Physics == PHYS_Flying) 00362 { 00363 PlayRangedAttack(); 00364 return; 00365 } 00366 PlayAnim('Strike'); 00367 if ( MeleeDamageTarget(StrikeDamage, (StrikeDamage * 1000.0 * Normal(Target.Location - Location))) ) 00368 PlaySound(Threaten, SLOT_Talk); 00369 } 00370 00371 00372 function bool CanFireAtEnemy() 00373 { 00374 local vector HitLocation, HitNormal,X,Y,Z, projStart, EnemyDir, EnemyUp; 00375 local actor HitActor; 00376 local rotator EnemyRot; 00377 local float EnemyDist; 00378 00379 EnemyDir = Enemy.Location - Location; 00380 EnemyDist = VSize(EnemyDir); 00381 EnemyUp = Enemy.CollisionHeight * vect(0,0,0.9); 00382 if ( EnemyDist > 300 ) 00383 { 00384 EnemyDir = 300 * EnemyDir/EnemyDist; 00385 EnemyUp = 300 * EnemyUp/EnemyDist; 00386 } 00387 00388 GetAxes(Rotation,X,Y,Z); 00389 projStart = Location - 0.5 * CollisionRadius * Y; 00390 HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, 00391 projStart + EnemyDir + EnemyUp, 00392 projStart , true); 00393 00394 if ( (HitActor == None) || (HitActor == Enemy) 00395 || ((Pawn(HitActor) != None) && (AttitudeTo(Pawn(HitActor)) <= ATTITUDE_Ignore)) ) 00396 return true; 00397 00398 HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, projStart + EnemyDir, projStart , true); 00399 00400 return ( (HitActor == None) || (HitActor == Enemy) 00401 || ((Pawn(HitActor) != None) && (AttitudeTo(Pawn(HitActor)) <= ATTITUDE_Ignore)) ); 00402 } 00403 00404 function PlayRangedAttack() 00405 { 00406 local vector X,Y,Z, projStart; 00407 local rotator projRotation; 00408 if (Physics == PHYS_Flying) 00409 PlayAnim('FlyFire'); 00410 else 00411 PlayAnim('Fire'); 00412 00413 GetAxes(Rotation,X,Y,Z); 00414 projStart = Location - 0.5 * CollisionRadius * Y; 00415 projRotation = AdjustAim(ProjectileSpeed, projStart, 0, bLeadTarget, bWarnTarget); 00416 spawn(RangedProjectile ,self,'',projStart,projRotation); 00417 } 00418 00419 function PlayMovingAttack() 00420 { 00421 local vector X,Y,Z, projStart; 00422 local rotator projRotation; 00423 if (Physics == PHYS_Flying) 00424 PlayAnim('FlyFire'); 00425 else 00426 { 00427 DesiredSpeed = 0.4; 00428 PlayAnim('WalkFire'); 00429 } 00430 GetAxes(Rotation,X,Y,Z); 00431 projStart = Location - 0.5 * CollisionHeight * Y; 00432 projRotation = AdjustAim(ProjectileSpeed, projStart, 600, bLeadTarget, bWarnTarget); 00433 if ( FRand() < 0.5 ) 00434 { 00435 if (FRand() < 0.5) 00436 projRotation.Yaw += 3072; 00437 else 00438 projRotation.Yaw -= 3072; 00439 } 00440 spawn(RangedProjectile ,self,'',projStart,projRotation); 00441 } 00442 00443 State Charging 00444 { 00445 function HitWall(vector HitNormal, actor Wall) 00446 { 00447 if ( (Physics == PHYS_Flying) && (HitNormal.Z > 0.7) ) 00448 { 00449 SetPhysics(PHYS_Walking); 00450 return; 00451 } 00452 Super.HitWall(HitNormal, Wall); 00453 } 00454 00455 function BeginState() 00456 { 00457 local vector HitLocation, HitNormal; 00458 local actor HitActor; 00459 00460 if ( (Enemy.Location.Z > Location.Z + MaxStepHeight) || (FRand() < 0.3) ) 00461 { 00462 Velocity.Z = 400; 00463 SetPhysics(PHYS_Flying); 00464 } 00465 else if ( !Region.Zone.bWaterZone ) 00466 { 00467 HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, Location - 2 * CollisionHeight * vect(0,0,1), Location, true); 00468 if (HitActor == Level) 00469 SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); 00470 } 00471 Super.BeginState(); 00472 } 00473 } 00474 00475 State TacticalMove 00476 { 00477 function HitWall(vector HitNormal, actor Wall) 00478 { 00479 if (HitNormal.Z > 0.7) 00480 { 00481 SetPhysics(PHYS_Walking); 00482 return; 00483 } 00484 Focus = Destination; 00485 if (PickWallAdjust()) 00486 GotoState('TacticalMove', 'AdjustFromWall'); 00487 else 00488 { 00489 DesiredRotation = Rotator(Enemy.Location - location); 00490 GotoState('Attacking'); 00491 } 00492 } 00493 00494 function BeginState() 00495 { 00496 local vector HitLocation, HitNormal; 00497 local actor HitActor; 00498 00499 if ( (FRand() < 0.3) || 00500 (Enemy.Location.Z - Location.Z) > MaxStepHeight + 2 * (CollisionHeight - Enemy.CollisionHeight) ) 00501 { 00502 Velocity.Z = 400; 00503 SetPhysics(PHYS_Flying); 00504 } 00505 else if ( !Region.Zone.bWaterZone ) 00506 { 00507 HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, Location - 2 * CollisionHeight * vect(0,0,1), Location, true); 00508 if (HitActor == Level) 00509 SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); 00510 } 00511 Super.BeginState(); 00512 } 00513 00514 } 00515 00516 State Teleporting 00517 { 00518 ignores TakeDamage, SeePlayer, EnemyNotVisible, HearNoise, KilledBy, Bump, HitWall, HeadZoneChange, FootZoneChange, ZoneChange, Falling, WarnTarget, Died; 00519 00520 function Tick(float DeltaTime) 00521 { 00522 local Actor A; 00523 00524 ScaleGlow -= 3 * DeltaTime; 00525 if ( ScaleGlow < 0.3 ) 00526 { 00527 PlaySound(sound'Teleport2',, 8.0); 00528 if ( Event != '' ) 00529 ForEach AllActors( class'Actor', A, Event ) 00530 A.Trigger( Self, Enemy ); 00531 Destroy(); 00532 } 00533 } 00534 00535 function BeginState() 00536 { 00537 bStasis = false; 00538 SetPhysics(PHYS_None); 00539 Disable('Tick'); 00540 } 00541 00542 Begin: 00543 FinishAnim(); 00544 Style = STY_Translucent; 00545 bUnlit = true; 00546 ScaleGlow = 2.0; 00547 Enable('Tick'); 00548 } 00549 00550 state Mutilating 00551 { 00552 function TakeDamage( int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, 00553 Vector momentum, name damageType) 00554 { 00555 } 00556 00557 function Bump(actor Other) 00558 { 00559 if ( Other.IsA('Pawn') && Pawn(Other).bIsPlayer ) 00560 GotoState('Mutilating', 'FinalSequence'); 00561 } 00562 00563 function EnemyAcquired() 00564 { 00565 GotoState('Mutilating', 'FinalSequence'); 00566 } 00567 00568 function AnimEnd() 00569 { 00570 local float decision; 00571 00572 decision = FRand(); 00573 if ( AnimSequence == 'Grab' ) 00574 PlayAnim('Munch', 0.3 + 0.7 * FRand()); 00575 else if ( decision < 0.2 ) 00576 PlayAnim('GKick1', 0.3 + 0.7 * FRand()); 00577 else if ( decision < 0.4 ) 00578 PlayAnim('GKick2', 0.3 + 0.7 * FRand()); 00579 else if ( decision < 0.6 ) 00580 PlayAnim('GPunch1', 0.3 + 0.7 * FRand()); 00581 else if ( decision < 0.8 ) 00582 PlayAnim('GPunch2', 0.3 + 0.7 * FRand()); 00583 else 00584 PlayAnim('Grab', 0.3 + 0.7 * FRand()); 00585 } 00586 00587 function Landed(vector HitNormal) 00588 { 00589 SetPhysics(PHYS_None); 00590 } 00591 00592 function BeginState() 00593 { 00594 Enemy = None; 00595 Acceleration = vect(0,0,0); 00596 SetAlertness(0.0); 00597 Health = 100000; 00598 } 00599 00600 FinalSequence: 00601 Disable('AnimEnd'); 00602 PlayTurning(); 00603 TurnToward(Enemy); 00604 PlayAnim('Point', 0.7, 0.15); 00605 FinishAnim(); 00606 PlaySound(sound'laugh1WL', SLOT_Talk); 00607 PlayAnim('Laugh', 0.7); 00608 FinishAnim(); 00609 GotoState('Attacking'); 00610 Begin: 00611 TweenToWaiting(0.2); 00612 bReadyToAttack = false; 00613 DesiredRotation = rot(0,0,0); 00614 DesiredRotation.Yaw = Rotation.Yaw; 00615 SetRotation(DesiredRotation); 00616 if (Physics != PHYS_Falling) 00617 SetPhysics(PHYS_None); 00618 } 00619 00620 defaultproperties 00621 { 00622 StrikeDamage=40 00623 CarcassType=Class'UnrealI.WarlordCarcass' 00624 Aggressiveness=0.500000 00625 RefireRate=0.700000 00626 WalkingSpeed=0.250000 00627 bHasRangedAttack=True 00628 bMovingRangedAttack=True 00629 bIsBoss=True 00630 RangedProjectile=Class'UnrealI.WarlordRocket' 00631 Acquire=Sound'UnrealI.WarLord.acquire1WL' 00632 Fear=Sound'UnrealI.WarLord.threat1WL' 00633 Roam=Sound'UnrealI.WarLord.roam1WL' 00634 Threaten=Sound'UnrealI.WarLord.threat1WL' 00635 bCanStrafe=True 00636 MeleeRange=70.000000 00637 GroundSpeed=440.000000 00638 AirSpeed=440.000000 00639 AccelRate=1500.000000 00640 SightRadius=3000.000000 00641 Health=1100 00642 ReducedDamageType=exploded 00643 Intelligence=BRAINS_HUMAN 00644 HitSound1=Sound'UnrealI.WarLord.injur1WL' 00645 HitSound2=Sound'UnrealI.WarLord.injur2WL' 00646 Die=Sound'UnrealI.WarLord.DeathCry1WL' 00647 CombatStyle=0.500000 00648 NameArticle=" the " 00649 DrawType=DT_Mesh 00650 Mesh=LodMesh'UnrealI.WarlordM' 00651 TransientSoundVolume=12.000000 00652 CollisionRadius=52.000000 00653 CollisionHeight=78.000000 00654 Mass=1000.000000 00655 }