Core.Object | +--Engine.Actor | +--Engine.Projectile | +--UnrealI.BigRock | +--UnrealI.Magma
00001 //============================================================================= 00002 // Magma. 00003 //============================================================================= 00004 class Magma extends BigRock; 00005 00006 // Owner (spawner) specifies the velocity of the Magma (implicitly in 00007 // Actor properties), the length of time it can burn for, the initial 00008 // brightness, as well as the damage caused. Modified from Sparkbit 00009 // and Rock. MZM 00010 00011 var() float DelaySmoke; 00012 var float BurnTime; 00013 var float InitialBrightness; 00014 var float LastSmokeTime; 00015 var float PassedTime; 00016 00017 function Timer() 00018 { 00019 00020 // The Magma should lose its brightness as it 00021 // burns away, but not linearly - the main brightness 00022 // decays in quadratic fashion but the actual brightness 00023 // is also randomly tweaked to give the appearance of 00024 // non-uniform burning. The object also gives off 00025 // its own light. 00026 // 00027 local float tempBrightness; 00028 00029 PassedTime += 0.15; 00030 // Spawn smoke if enough time has passed. 00031 if (PassedTime-LastSmokeTime >= DelaySmoke) 00032 { 00033 //Spawn (class 'SmokeTrail', , '', Location+Vect(0,0,8)); 00034 LastSmokeTime = PassedTime; 00035 } 00036 tempBrightness = InitialBrightness*(1- 00037 ((PassedTime*(1-0.1+0.2*FRand()))/BurnTime) **2); 00038 tempBrightness = FClamp (tempBrightness, 0, 1); 00039 00040 LightBrightness = tempBrightness * 90; 00041 AmbientGlow = tempBrightness * 240; 00042 } 00043 00044 auto state Flying 00045 { 00046 simulated function HitWall (vector HitNormal, actor Wall) 00047 { 00048 InitialBrightness *= 1.5; 00049 Super.HitWall(HitNormal, Wall); 00050 } 00051 00052 Begin: 00053 SetTimer(0.15, true); 00054 if (Speed != 0) Velocity = Vector(Rotation) * Speed; 00055 RotationRate = RotRand(); 00056 BurnTime = FMin(BurnTime, 0.1); 00057 SetPhysics (PHYS_Falling); 00058 } 00059 00060 defaultproperties 00061 { 00062 LifeSpan=15.000000 00063 bBlockActors=True 00064 bBlockPlayers=True 00065 LightType=LT_Steady 00066 LightBrightness=130 00067 LightHue=120 00068 LightSaturation=200 00069 LightRadius=30 00070 }