Class SpiralStairBuilder

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Editor\Classes\SpiralStairBuilder.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:None

class SpiralStairBuilder
extends Editor.BrushBuilder

//============================================================================= // SpiralStairBuilder: Builds a spiral staircase. //=============================================================================
 SlopedFloor, CounterClockwise
 name GroupName
 NumStepsPer360, NumSteps

Function Summary
 bool Build()
 void BuildCurvedStair(int Direction)

Source Code

00001	//=============================================================================
00002	// SpiralStairBuilder: Builds a spiral staircase.
00003	//=============================================================================
00004	class SpiralStairBuilder
00005		extends BrushBuilder;
00007	var() int InnerRadius, StepWidth, StepHeight, StepThickness, NumStepsPer360, NumSteps;
00008	var() name GroupName;
00009	var() bool SlopedCeiling, SlopedFloor, CounterClockwise;
00011	function BuildCurvedStair( int Direction )
00012	{
00013		local rotator RotStep, NewRot;
00014		local vector vtx, NewVtx, Template[8];
00015		local int x, y, idx, VertexStart;
00017		RotStep.Yaw = 65536.0f * ((360.0f / NumStepsPer360) / 360.0f);
00018		if( CounterClockwise )
00019		{
00020			RotStep.Yaw *= -1;
00021			Direction *= -1;
00022		}
00024		// Generate the vertices for the first stair.
00025		idx = 0;
00026		VertexStart = GetVertexCount();
00027		vtx.x = InnerRadius;
00028		for( x = 0 ; x < 2 ; x++ )
00029		{
00030			NewVtx = vtx >> (RotStep * x);
00032			vtx.z = 0;
00033			if( SlopedCeiling && x == 1 )
00034				vtx.z = StepHeight;
00035			Vertex3f( NewVtx.x, NewVtx.y, vtx.z );
00036			Template[idx].x = NewVtx.x;		Template[idx].y = NewVtx.y;		Template[idx].z = vtx.z;		idx++;
00038			vtx.z = StepThickness;
00039			if( SlopedFloor && x == 0 )
00040				vtx.z -= StepHeight;
00041			Vertex3f( NewVtx.x, NewVtx.y, vtx.z );
00042			Template[idx].x = NewVtx.x;		Template[idx].y = NewVtx.y;		Template[idx].z = vtx.z;		idx++;
00043		}
00045		vtx.x = InnerRadius + StepWidth;
00046		for( x = 0 ; x < 2 ; x++ )
00047		{
00048			NewVtx = vtx >> (RotStep * x);
00050			vtx.z = 0;
00051			if( SlopedCeiling && x == 1 )
00052				vtx.z = StepHeight;
00053			Vertex3f( NewVtx.x, NewVtx.y, vtx.z );
00054			Template[idx].x = NewVtx.x;		Template[idx].y = NewVtx.y;		Template[idx].z = vtx.z;		idx++;
00056			vtx.z = StepThickness;
00057			if( SlopedFloor && x == 0 )
00058				vtx.z -= StepHeight;
00059			Vertex3f( NewVtx.x, NewVtx.y, vtx.z );
00060			Template[idx].x = NewVtx.x;		Template[idx].y = NewVtx.y;		Template[idx].z = vtx.z;		idx++;
00061		}
00063		// Create steps from the template
00064		for( x = 0 ; x < NumSteps - 1 ; x++ )
00065		{
00066			if( SlopedFloor )
00067			{
00068				Poly3i( Direction, VertexStart + 3, VertexStart + 1, VertexStart + 5, 'steptop' );
00069				Poly3i( Direction, VertexStart + 3, VertexStart + 5, VertexStart + 7, 'steptop' );
00070			}
00071			else
00072				Poly4i( Direction, VertexStart + 3, VertexStart + 1, VertexStart + 5, VertexStart + 7, 'steptop' );
00074			Poly4i( Direction, VertexStart + 0, VertexStart + 1, VertexStart + 3, VertexStart + 2, 'inner' );
00075			Poly4i( Direction, VertexStart + 5, VertexStart + 4, VertexStart + 6, VertexStart + 7, 'outer' );
00076			Poly4i( Direction, VertexStart + 1, VertexStart + 0, VertexStart + 4, VertexStart + 5, 'stepfront' );
00077			Poly4i( Direction, VertexStart + 2, VertexStart + 3, VertexStart + 7, VertexStart + 6, 'stepback' );
00079			if( SlopedCeiling )
00080			{
00081				Poly3i( Direction, VertexStart + 0, VertexStart + 2, VertexStart + 6, 'stepbottom' );
00082				Poly3i( Direction, VertexStart + 0, VertexStart + 6, VertexStart + 4, 'stepbottom' );
00083			}
00084			else
00085				Poly4i( Direction, VertexStart + 0, VertexStart + 2, VertexStart + 6, VertexStart + 4, 'stepbottom' );
00087			VertexStart = GetVertexCount();
00088			for( y = 0 ; y < 8 ; y++ )
00089			{
00090				NewVtx = Template[y] >> (RotStep * (x + 1));
00091				Vertex3f( NewVtx.x, NewVtx.y, NewVtx.z + (Stepheight * (x + 1)) );
00092			}
00093		}
00094	}
00096	function bool Build()
00097	{
00098		if( InnerRadius<1 || StepWidth<1 || NumSteps<1 || NumStepsPer360<3 )
00099			return BadParameters();
00101		BeginBrush( false, GroupName );
00102		BuildCurvedStair( +1 );
00103		return EndBrush();
00104	}
00106	defaultproperties
00107	{
00108	     InnerRadius=64
00109	     StepWidth=256
00110	     StepHeight=16
00111	     StepThickness=32
00112	     NumStepsPer360=8
00113	     NumSteps=8
00114	     GroupName=Spiral
00115	     SlopedCeiling=True
00116	     BitmapFilename="BBSpiralStair"
00117	     ToolTip="Spiral Staircase"
00118	}

End Source Code