Class BrushBuilder

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Editor\Classes\BrushBuilder.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:ConeBuilder, CubeBuilder, CurvedStairBuilder, CylinderBuilder, LinearStairBuilder, SheetBuilder, SpiralStairBuilder, TerrainBuilder, TetrahedronBuilder, VolumetricBuilder

class BrushBuilder
extends Core.Object

//============================================================================= // BrushBuilder: Base class of UnrealEd brush builders. // // Tips for writing brush builders: // // * Always validate the user-specified and call BadParameters function // if anything is wrong, instead of actually building geometry. // If you build an invalid brush due to bad user parameters, you'll // cause an extraordinary amount of pain for the poor user. // // * When generating polygons with more than 3 vertices, BE SURE all the // polygon's vertices are coplanar! Out-of-plane polygons will cause // geometry to be corrupted. //=============================================================================
 name Group
 bool MergeCoplanars
 array Polys
 array Vertices

Function Summary
 bool BadParameters(optional string)
 void BeginBrush(bool MergeCoplanars, name Group)
// Native support.
 bool EndBrush()
 int GetPolyCount()
 vector GetVertex(int i)
 int GetVertexCount()
 void Poly3i(int Direction, int i, int j, int k, optional name, optional int)
 void Poly4i(int Direction, int i, int j, int k, int l, optional name, optional int)
 void PolyBegin(int Direction, optional name, optional int)
 void PolyEnd()
 void Polyi(int i)
 int Vertex3f(float x, float y, float z)
 int Vertexv(vector v)

Source Code

00001	//=============================================================================
00002	// BrushBuilder: Base class of UnrealEd brush builders.
00003	//
00004	// Tips for writing brush builders:
00005	//
00006	// * Always validate the user-specified and call BadParameters function
00007	//   if anything is wrong, instead of actually building geometry.
00008	//   If you build an invalid brush due to bad user parameters, you'll
00009	//   cause an extraordinary amount of pain for the poor user.
00010	//
00011	// * When generating polygons with more than 3 vertices, BE SURE all the
00012	//   polygon's vertices are coplanar!  Out-of-plane polygons will cause
00013	//   geometry to be corrupted.
00014	//=============================================================================
00015	class BrushBuilder
00016		extends Object
00017		abstract
00018		native;
00020	var(BrushBuilder) string BitmapFilename;
00021	var(BrushBuilder) string ToolTip;
00023	// Internal state, not accessible to script.
00024	struct BuilderPoly
00025	{
00026		var array<int> VertexIndices;
00027		var int Direction;
00028		var name Item;
00029		var int PolyFlags;
00030	};
00031	var private array<vector> Vertices;
00032	var private array<BuilderPoly> Polys;
00033	var private name Group;
00034	var private bool MergeCoplanars;
00036	// Native support.
00037	native function BeginBrush( bool MergeCoplanars, name Group );
00038	native function bool EndBrush();
00039	native function int GetVertexCount();
00040	native function vector GetVertex( int i );
00041	native function int GetPolyCount();
00042	native function bool BadParameters( optional string msg );
00043	native function int Vertexv( vector v );
00044	native function int Vertex3f( float x, float y, float z );
00045	native function Poly3i( int Direction, int i, int j, int k, optional name ItemName, optional int PolyFlags );
00046	native function Poly4i( int Direction, int i, int j, int k, int l, optional name ItemName, optional int PolyFlags );
00047	native function PolyBegin( int Direction, optional name ItemName, optional int PolyFlags );
00048	native function Polyi( int i );
00049	native function PolyEnd();
00051	// Build interface.
00052	event bool Build();
00054	defaultproperties
00055	{
00056	     BitmapFilename="BBGeneric"
00057	     ToolTip="Generic Builder"
00058	}

End Source Code