Class TranslocStart

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Botpack\Classes\TranslocStart.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:None

class TranslocStart
extends Engine.LiftExit

//============================================================================= // TranslocStart. //=============================================================================

Function Summary
 Actor SpecialHandling(Pawn Other)
/* SpecialHandling is called by the navigation code when the next path has been found.  
It gives that path an opportunity to modify the result based on any special considerations

Source Code

00001	//=============================================================================
00002	// TranslocStart.
00003	//=============================================================================
00004	class TranslocStart extends LiftExit;
00006	/* SpecialHandling is called by the navigation code when the next path has been found.  
00007	It gives that path an opportunity to modify the result based on any special considerations
00008	*/
00009	function Actor SpecialHandling(Pawn Other)
00010	{
00011		local Bot B;
00013		if ( (Other.MoveTarget == None) || (!Other.MoveTarget.IsA('TranslocDest') && (Other.MoveTarget != self)) )
00014			return self;
00015		B = Bot(Other);
00017		if ( (B.MyTranslocator == None) || (B.MyTranslocator.TTarget != None) )
00018			return None;
00020		B.TranslocateToTarget(self);	
00021		return self;
00022	}
00024	defaultproperties
00025	{
00026	     bSpecialCost=True
00027	     bStatic=False
00028	     bNoDelete=True
00029	}

End Source Code