Class StarterBolt

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Botpack\Classes\StarterBolt.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:None

class StarterBolt
extends Botpack.PBolt

//============================================================================= // starterbolt. //=============================================================================
 StartError, AimError
           used for bot aiming
 rotator AimRotation
           used for bot aiming
 float AnimTime
           used for bot aiming

Function Summary
Tick(float DeltaTime)

Source Code

00001	//=============================================================================
00002	// starterbolt.
00003	//=============================================================================
00004	class StarterBolt extends pbolt;
00006	#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=sbolt0 FILE=Textures\Bolt2a_00.bmp GROUP=Skins	//Translucent
00007	#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=sbolt1 FILE=Textures\Bolt2a_01.bmp GROUP=Skins	//Translucent
00008	#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=sbolt2 FILE=Textures\Bolt2a_02.bmp GROUP=Skins	//Translucent
00009	#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=sbolt3 FILE=Textures\Bolt2a_03.bmp GROUP=Skins	//Translucent
00010	#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=sbolt4 FILE=Textures\Bolt2a_04.bmp GROUP=Skins	//Translucent
00013	var float OldError, NewError, StartError, AimError; //used for bot aiming
00014	var rotator AimRotation;
00015	var float AnimTime;
00017	replication
00018	{
00019		// Things the server should send to the client.
00020		unreliable if( Role==ROLE_Authority )
00021			AimError, NewError, AimRotation;
00022	}
00024	simulated function PostBeginPlay()
00025	{
00026		Super.PostBeginPlay();
00028		if ( instigator == None )
00029			return;
00030		if ( Instigator.IsA('Bot') && Bot(Instigator).bNovice )
00031			aimerror = 2200 + (3 - instigator.skill) * 300;
00032		else
00033			aimerror = 1000 + (3 - instigator.skill) * 400;
00035		if ( FRand() < 0.5 )
00036			aimerror *= -1;
00037	}
00039	simulated function Tick(float DeltaTime)
00040	{
00041		local vector X,Y,Z, AimSpot, DrawOffset, AimStart;
00042		local int YawErr;
00043		local float dAdjust;
00044		local Bot MyBot;
00046		AnimTime += DeltaTime;
00047		if ( AnimTime > 0.05 )
00048		{
00049			AnimTime -= 0.05;
00050			SpriteFrame++;
00051			if ( SpriteFrame == ArrayCount(SpriteAnim) )
00052				SpriteFrame = 0;
00053			Skin = SpriteAnim[SpriteFrame];
00054		}
00056		// orient with respect to instigator
00057		if ( Instigator != None )
00058		{
00059			if ( (Level.NetMode == NM_Client) && (!Instigator.IsA('PlayerPawn') || (PlayerPawn(Instigator).Player == None)) )
00060			{
00061				SetRotation(AimRotation); 
00062				Instigator.ViewRotation = AimRotation;
00063				DrawOffset = ((0.01 * class'PulseGun'.Default.PlayerViewOffset) >> Rotation);
00064				DrawOffset += (Instigator.EyeHeight * vect(0,0,1));
00065			}
00066			else 
00067			{
00068				MyBot = Bot(instigator);
00069				if ( MyBot != None  )
00070				{
00071					if ( Instigator.Target == None )
00072						Instigator.Target = Instigator.Enemy;
00073					if ( Instigator.Target == Instigator.Enemy )
00074					{
00075						if (MyBot.bNovice )
00076							dAdjust = DeltaTime * (4 + instigator.Skill) * 0.075;
00077						else
00078							dAdjust = DeltaTime * (4 + instigator.Skill) * 0.12;
00079						if ( OldError > NewError )
00080							OldError = FMax(OldError - dAdjust, NewError);
00081						else
00082							OldError = FMin(OldError + dAdjust, NewError);
00084						if ( OldError == NewError )
00085							NewError = FRand() - 0.5;
00086						if ( StartError > 0 )
00087							StartError -= DeltaTime;
00088						else if ( MyBot.bNovice && (Level.TimeSeconds - MyBot.LastPainTime < 0.2) )
00089							StartError = MyBot.LastPainTime;
00090						else
00091							StartError = 0;
00092						AimSpot = 1.25 * Instigator.Target.Velocity + 0.75 * Instigator.Velocity;
00093						if ( Abs(AimSpot.Z) < 120 )
00094							AimSpot.Z *= 0.25;
00095						else
00096							AimSpot.Z *= 0.5;
00097						if ( Instigator.Target.Physics == PHYS_Falling )
00098							AimSpot = Instigator.Target.Location - 0.0007 * AimError * OldError * AimSpot;
00099						else
00100							AimSpot = Instigator.Target.Location - 0.0005 * AimError * OldError * AimSpot;
00101						if ( (Instigator.Physics == PHYS_Falling) && (Instigator.Velocity.Z > 0) )
00102							AimSpot = AimSpot - 0.0003 * AimError * OldError * AimSpot;
00104						AimStart = Instigator.Location + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + (1.2 * FireOffset.Z - 2) * Z; 
00105						if ( FastTrace(AimSpot - vect(0,0,10), AimStart) )
00106							AimSpot	= AimSpot - vect(0,0,10);
00107						GetAxes(Instigator.Rotation,X,Y,Z);
00108						AimRotation = Rotator(AimSpot - AimStart);
00109						AimRotation.Yaw = AimRotation.Yaw + (OldError + StartError) * 0.75 * aimerror;
00110						YawErr = (AimRotation.Yaw - (Instigator.Rotation.Yaw & 65535)) & 65535;
00111						if ( (YawErr > 3000) && (YawErr < 62535) )
00112						{
00113							if ( YawErr < 32768 )
00114								AimRotation.Yaw = Instigator.Rotation.Yaw + 3000;
00115							else
00116								AimRotation.Yaw = Instigator.Rotation.Yaw - 3000;
00117						}
00118					}
00119					else if ( Instigator.Target != None )
00120						AimRotation = Rotator(Instigator.Target.Location - Instigator.Location);
00121					else
00122						AimRotation = Instigator.ViewRotation;
00123					Instigator.ViewRotation = AimRotation;
00124					SetRotation(AimRotation);
00125				}
00126				else
00127				{
00128					AimRotation = Instigator.ViewRotation;
00129					SetRotation(AimRotation);
00130				}
00131				Drawoffset = Instigator.Weapon.CalcDrawOffset();
00132			}
00133			GetAxes(Instigator.ViewRotation,X,Y,Z);
00135			if ( bCenter )
00136			{
00137				FireOffset.Z = Default.FireOffset.Z * 1.5;
00138				FireOffset.Y = 0;
00139			}
00140			else 
00141			{
00142				FireOffset.Z = Default.FireOffset.Z;
00143				if ( bRight )
00144					FireOffset.Y = Default.FireOffset.Y;
00145				else
00146					FireOffset.Y = -1 * Default.FireOffset.Y;
00147			}
00148			SetLocation(Instigator.Location + DrawOffset + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z);
00149		}
00150		else
00151			GetAxes(Rotation,X,Y,Z);
00153		CheckBeam(X, DeltaTime);
00154	}
00156	defaultproperties
00157	{
00158	     StartError=0.500000
00159	     SpriteAnim(0)=Texture'Botpack.Skins.sbolt0'
00160	     SpriteAnim(1)=Texture'Botpack.Skins.sbolt1'
00161	     SpriteAnim(2)=Texture'Botpack.Skins.sbolt2'
00162	     SpriteAnim(3)=Texture'Botpack.Skins.sbolt3'
00163	     SpriteAnim(4)=Texture'Botpack.Skins.sbolt4'
00164	     RemoteRole=ROLE_SimulatedProxy
00165	     LightType=LT_Steady
00166	     LightEffect=LE_NonIncidence
00167	     LightBrightness=255
00168	     LightHue=83
00169	     LightSaturation=50
00170	     LightRadius=5
00171	}

End Source Code