Class RatedTeamInfoDemo2

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Botpack\Classes\RatedTeamInfoDemo2.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:None

class RatedTeamInfoDemo2
extends Botpack.RatedTeamInfo

Source Code

00001	class RatedTeamInfoDemo2 expands RatedTeamInfo;
00003	// Thunder Crash
00004	#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=TLThunder FILE=textures\teamsymbols\TLThunder.PCX GROUP="TeamSymbols" MIPS=OFF
00006	defaultproperties
00007	{
00008	     TeamName="Thunder Crash"
00009	     TeamSymbol=Texture'Botpack.TeamSymbols.TLThunder'
00010	     TeamBio="Thunder Crash is the current big city favorite. Sporting a calculated balance of strength and style, they always manage to crush the opposition and look good at the same time."
00011	     BotNames(0)="Othello"
00012	     BotNames(1)="Johnson"
00013	     BotNames(2)="Malcom"
00014	     BotNames(3)="Kulgan"
00015	     BotNames(4)="Riker"
00016	     BotClassifications(0)="Warrior"
00017	     BotClassifications(1)="Warrior"
00018	     BotClassifications(2)="Chem Killer"
00019	     BotClassifications(3)="Warrior"
00020	     BotClassifications(4)="Warrior"
00021	     BotClasses(0)="BotPack.TMale2Bot"
00022	     BotClasses(1)="BotPack.TMale2Bot"
00023	     BotClasses(2)="BotPack.TMale2Bot"
00024	     BotClasses(3)="BotPack.TMale2Bot"
00025	     BotClasses(4)="BotPack.TMale2Bot"
00026	     BotSkins(0)="blkt"
00027	     BotSkins(1)="blkt"
00028	     BotSkins(2)="blkt"
00029	     BotSkins(3)="blkt"
00030	     BotSkins(4)="blkt"
00031	     BotFaces(0)="Othello"
00032	     BotFaces(1)="Riker"
00033	     BotFaces(2)="Malcom"
00034	     BotFaces(3)="Othello"
00035	     BotFaces(4)="Riker"
00036	     BotBio(0)="Once a trader for the Cyron Financial Commission, Othello became a suicidal pit fighter following the mysterious death of his wife."
00037	     BotBio(1)="Johnson was hired out of the black market slave trade to serve as bodyguard to the powerful arms smuggler Jihan Nyhn. He is strong and has an extreme amount of endurance."
00038	     BotBio(2)="FenTech's finest creation, Malcom is an engineered warrior enhanced by chemicals. Adrenaline stimulants, synaptic catalysts, and impulse regulators combine to create a superhuman killing machine."
00039	     BotBio(3)="Kulgan's combat abilities are second only to his presense of character. When he's not trying to seduce the ladies, he'll be in the arena, pulse gun in hand."
00040	     BotBio(4)="Riker is a walking fusion of tactics and style. He always tries to find new ways of killing his opponents and has won multiple awards for creative improvisation."
00041	     MaleClass=Class'Botpack.TMale2'
00042	     MaleSkin="SoldierSkins.blkt"
00043	}

End Source Code