Class RatedTeamInfo8

source: e:\games\UnrealTournament\Botpack\Classes\RatedTeamInfo8.uc
Direct Known Subclasses:None

class RatedTeamInfo8
extends Botpack.RatedTeamInfo

Source Code

00001	class RatedTeamInfo8 expands RatedTeamInfo;
00003	// Dark Phalanx
00004	#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=TSkaarj2 FILE=textures\teamsymbols\skaarjteam_b.pcx GROUP="TeamSymbols" MIPS=OFF
00006	defaultproperties
00007	{
00008	     TeamName="Iron Skull"
00009	     TeamSymbol=Texture'Botpack.TeamSymbols.TSkaarj2'
00010	     TeamBio="The N.E.G. has long recognized the superiority of the Skaarj warrior as a military fighting machine, as was made clear in the brutal Human-Skaarj wars.  The Skaarj Hybrid is the result of secret military genetic research using both human and Skaarj DNA performed after the capture of a Skaarj scout ship. If proven in Tournament battle, the Hybrids shall become a leading force in ground based ops."
00011	     BotNames(0)="Reaper"
00012	     BotNames(1)="Baetal"
00013	     BotNames(2)="Pharoh"
00014	     BotNames(3)="Skrilax"
00015	     BotNames(4)="Anthrax"
00016	     BotNames(5)="Entropy"
00017	     BotClassifications(0)="Classified: L9"
00018	     BotClassifications(1)="Classified: L9"
00019	     BotClassifications(2)="Classified: L9"
00020	     BotClassifications(3)="Classified: L9"
00021	     BotClassifications(4)="Classified: L9"
00022	     BotClassifications(5)="Classified: L9"
00023	     BotClasses(0)="MultiMesh.TSkaarjBot"
00024	     BotClasses(1)="MultiMesh.TSkaarjBot"
00025	     BotClasses(2)="MultiMesh.TSkaarjBot"
00026	     BotClasses(3)="MultiMesh.TSkaarjBot"
00027	     BotClasses(4)="MultiMesh.TSkaarjBot"
00028	     BotClasses(5)="MultiMesh.TSkaarjBot"
00029	     BotSkins(0)="TSkmSkins.MekS"
00030	     BotSkins(1)="TSkmSkins.PitF"
00031	     BotSkins(2)="TSkmSkins.PitF"
00032	     BotSkins(3)="TSkmSkins.PitF"
00033	     BotSkins(4)="TSkmSkins.PitF"
00034	     BotSkins(5)="TSkmSkins.PitF"
00035	     BotFaces(0)="TSkMSkins.Disconnect"
00036	     BotFaces(1)="TSkMSkins.Baetal"
00037	     BotFaces(2)="TSkMSkins.Pharoh"
00038	     BotFaces(3)="TSkMSkins.Skrilax"
00039	     BotFaces(4)="TSkMSkins.Baetal"
00040	     BotFaces(5)="TSkMSkins.Pharoh"
00041	     BotBio(0)="No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required."
00042	     BotBio(1)="No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required."
00043	     BotBio(2)="No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required."
00044	     BotBio(3)="No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required."
00045	     BotBio(4)="No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required."
00046	     BotBio(5)="No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required."
00047	     MaleSkin="TSkmSkins.PitF"
00048	     FemaleSkin="TSkmSkins.PitF"
00049	}

End Source Code