Project Goals
To create a collaborative experience built on the Jam-O-Drum platform that is
entertaining, thought-provoking, and fun.
Why Elvis?
Because Elvis is the King. Who better than Elvis to
teach you a cool-cat snarl and hip swivel? Who better than Elvis to inspire you to
play along with the music? Who better than Elvis to teach YOU how to Rock and Roll?
Elvis embodied an interesting duality. Elvis, the artist, combined elements of Jazz, Blues,
Country, and other forms of American Roots music to create a new popular sound.
In doing so, he helped create a new paradigm of multicultural music, a new world language
of Rock and Roll. Elvis, the performer, was one of the most merchandized and
commercial musicians to ever top the charts. To us, it seems that Young Elvis The Artist and
Old Elvis The Commodity are in direct contrast to each other. The Jam-O-Elvis strives to explore
this issue while teaching the players how to Rock and Roll in a fun and immersive manor.
The Jam-O-Elvis Experience
Through the magic of the Jam-O-Elvis, players can open a window to Nether-Memphis,
where Elvis will teach them how to Rock and Roll. Players will learn how to snarl, swivel
their hips, and play instruments like the King. But that isn't all! What else? You'll
just have to play to find out!
For those of you who just can't wait...
Click here for the Jam-O-Elvis experience outline.
Click here for the Jam-O-Elvis script.