This week, we updated the new draft for the character design, and also had our first draft of survey questionnaire.
1- Questions from The Quarter
After the Quarter meeting with faculties, we listed some questions that we need to figure out.
Tech Questions:
- How are they hosting their website? Squarespace? GoDaddy?
- Do they have an internal team that handles this, or was this contracted out?
- Is there a tech lead we should be in contact with for these questions
- Was the mailing list that was mentioned a requirement or not? If it is, who should we be communicating with to make sure contact info is being backed up on their end? (this goes along with the last 2 questions)
- How long do they plan to use our stuff? Are they interested in iterating? If so, we need to know and have some sort of open framework/ handoff materials
Design Questions:
- What brings women to their site? Is the site the best place to put the experience? A “start here” type button?
- Do women that get to the ignite website tend to be already involved in politics and ignite? Do they have any metrics on new users that reach the site?
User Categorization Questions:
- How do we know diver vs swimmer vs wader?
- Characteristics for each, buzzwords people might use? Slogans they might stand behind? How can we figure that out?
2- Second Draft of Character Design
Based on the suggestions from client and faculties, we add more diversity into our design:

And here’s the first draft:

3- Survey
We made a survey or know our target audience better, and help us to design the narrative of our story.
Except for the regular questions as age group and gender, we have following topics for the audience to rank their interest level:
- College affordability
- Racial justice
- Environment/climate change
- Gun violence
- Gender equality and the pay gap
- Gender identity
- Campus sexual assault
Then, the next question is to choose one of these issues that user most want to make a change, and answer from following options:
- Extremely expensive
- Quite expensive
- I’m unsure at this point
- Not so expensive
- Definitely not
After fill these questions, we will have users to define their political attitude with following questions:
- Are you interested in politics?
- How often do you follow political news?
- Have you considered going into politics?
- Have you ever volunteered for a political campaign?
- Do you have any additional comments, questions, or concerns you would like to share?
4- Next Steps
Based on researches and feedback, we are planning to move to next stages:
- Collect survey responses
- Figure out how do we know which level of engagement our users at
- Storytelling/narrative design
- Art: scene and UI design
- #Location of conversation: school? Someone’s room?
- Playtest + iteration
- Sound design and music composition