What is does "Interbots Initiative" mean?
"Interbots" is short for "Interactive Robots." The abbreviation afforded by this name (IBI) is a sort of pun on the predecessor to the current project, which was known as the Interactive Animatronics Initiative, or IAI. IBI being an incremented IAI. The next incarnation of animatronics at the Entertainment Technology Center, following this pattern, should be dubbed the Interactive Character Initiative (ICI).

How are your robots different from ones that build cars or explore distant planets?
While we have a great deal of respect for the capabilities of such functional robots, we don't think they're particularly cool. We're living in the future now, and we were promised cool robots. In short, our focus is on entertainment robots, which means we think much more about aesthetics, character, and experience.

How are your robots different from Disney-style animatronics?
Animatronic figures (particularly those at theme parks) are probably the most famous type of entertainment robotics. Where we depart from traditional animatronics, though, is in giving our characters the ability to make their own decisions. By basing those decisions on guest input, we enable interactive experiences with animatronic figures.

Is there a danger of your robots trying to take over the world, like in The Matrix ? What about being useful servants, like in I, Robot ?
As much as we like to talk about Quasi's brain, personality, and capabilities, making true artificial intelligence that can pass the Turing Test is still a long way off and involves a good deal of research into cognitive modeling, vision systems, and many things that are beyond our scope. As for robot servants, useful mobility and articulation is the biggest current obstacle. However, we do have a Roomba that vacuums our carpet regularly and we can attest to the potential usefulness of such devices.

Who is "Quasi"?
Quasi was the first character implemented using the Interbots platform. You can find more information about him here.

Where can I learn more about building an interactive animatronic character?
This website is a good place to start, particularly our Reference section, which contains numerous links to leaders in the field, from academic research projects to commercial implementations. We also have a list of parts suppliers that we're using. Building the physical character has more in common with building a radio-controlled model aircraft than a traditional robot, and uses many of the same types of parts. Our programming model uses a modified state machine to allow the character to appear to have personality.

This all sounds great! Where can I buy a Quasi? How much does he cost?
If you would like your own custom character, or would like to have Quasi appear at an event, please contact