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PuppetMaster Compound List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ActionTripleClass to store a tuple of ACTIONID, OBJECTID, and JOINT
CHelpBoxDlgWindows dialog class for our Help box
controlLeafStructure describing a leaf entry in the control list
CPuppetMasterAppWindows application class that extends CWinApp
CPuppetMasterDlgMain PuppetMaster dialog window
dropInfoStructure describing an entry in the controls dropdown list
InputEventStructure describing an input event
InputObjectAbstract class to define an input object
JoystickInputConcrete class that describes a joystick input device
MidiInputConcrete class that describes a MIDI input device
NetOutputConcrete class that describes a network output device
OutputObjectAbstract class to define an output object
PipelineManages the PuppetMaster input and output pipeline
serverInfoClass the encapsulates the information about a server
vpControlClass to encapsulate control data for the vpHash map

Generated on Tue Oct 16 14:06:18 2001 for PuppetMaster by doxygen1.2.11.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001